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Acts 13:31


he appeared <3739 3700> [he was.]

These <3748> [who.]

Matthew 28:9


<5613> [as.]

Greetings <5463> [All hail.]

held on <2902> [and held.]

worshiped <4352> [worshipped.]

Matthew 28:16


eleven <1733> [the eleven.]

went <4198> [went.]

Mark 16:10-14


while ... were mourning <3996> [as.]


they did not believe <569> [believed.]



They went back <565 2548> [they went.]

but .... not <3761> [neither.]


he appeared <5319> [he appeared.]

while ... were eating <345> [at meat. or, together. and upbraided.]

unbelief <570> [unbelief.]

Luke 24:1-53


<3391> [upon.]

went <2064> [they came.]




two men <1417 435> [two men.]


women ................. them <846 2036> [they.]

living <2198> [the living. or, him that liveth.]


Remember <3415> [remember.]





pure nonsense <3026> [idle.]



two <1417> [two.]

Emmaus <1695> [Emmaus.]

Emmaus was situated, according to the testimony both of Luke and Josephus, sixty furlongs from Jerusalem, that is, about seven miles and a half. It has generally been confounded with Emmaus, a city of Judah, afterwards called Nicopolis; but Reland has satisfactorily shown that they were distinct places; the latter, according to the old Itinerary of Palestine, being situated 10 miles from Lydda, and 22 miles from Jerusalem. D'Arvieux states, that going from Jerusalem to Rama, he took the right from the high road to Rama, at some little distance from Jerusalem, and "travelled a good league over rocks and flint stones, to the end of the valley of terebinthine trees," until he reached Emmaus; which "seems, by the ruins which surround it, to have been formerly larger that it was in our Saviour's time. The Christians, while masters of the Holy Land, re-established it a little, and built several churches. Emmaus was not worth the trouble of having come out of the way to see it."



Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]



Then ................... And <1161 2532 2075> [and are.]


Cleopas <2810> [Cleopas.]


concerning <4012> [Concerning.]

powerful <1415> [mighty.]





went <565> [went.]


You foolish people <5599 453> [O fools.]

Rather, inconsiderate men, [anoetos <\\See definition 453\\>,] justly termed such, because they had not attended to the description of the Messiah by the prophets, nor to His teaching and miracles, as proofs that He alone was the person described.



beginning <756> [beginning.]

Then ..... and all .............. all <2532 3956> [and all.]


He acted as though <846 4364> [he made.]

That is, he was directing his steps as if to go onwards; and so he doubtless would, had he not been withheld by their friendly importunities. There is not the smallest ground for founding a charge of dissimulation against our Saviour, or affording any encouragement to dissimulation in others.



took <2983> [he took.]


their eyes ....... him ... he ..... their sight <846 3788> [their eyes.]

their ........ him ... he vanished out of their sight <846 1096 575> [vanished out of their sight. or, ceased to be seen of them.]


<2258> [Did.]

he was explaining <1272> [opened.]


So ............ They found .... and <2532 2147> [and found.]


saying <3004> [Saying.]

From Mr 16:13, we learn that the apostles did not believe the testimony even of the two disciples from Emmaus, while it is here asserted they were saying, when they entered the room, "The Lord is risen" etc. This difficulty is removed by rendering interrogatively, "Has the Lord risen," etc?

has appeared <3700> [hath.]



<2424> [Jesus.]

Peace <1515> [Peace.]



Then ...... Why ..... and why <2532 5101 1302> [and why.]


my hands ... my <3450 5495> [my hands.]

<3754> [for.]



Do you have <2192> [Have.]



These <3778> [These.]

<5607> [while.]

that everything <3754 3956> [that all.]

in ... law <1722 3551> [in the law.]

prophets <4396> [in the prophets.]

psalms <5568> [in the psalms.]




repentance <3341> [that.]

for ............ to <1519> [among.]

<756> [beginning.]



I <1473 649> [I send.]

But <1161> [but.]


as far as <2193> [as far.]

lifting up <1869> [he lifted.]


he departed <1339> [he was.]


they ... him <846> [they.]

with <3326> [with.]


in <1722> [in.]

<281> [Amen.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON LUKE'S GOSPEL. Luke, to whom this Gospel has been uniformly attributed from the earliest ages of the Christian church, is generally allowed to have been "the beloved physician" mentioned by Paul, (Col 4:14;) and as he was the companion of that apostle, in all his labours and sufferings, for many years, (Ac 16:12; 20:1-6; 27:1,2; 28:13-16. 2Ti 4:11. Phm 24,) and wrote "the Acts of the Apostles," which conclude with a brief account of Paul's imprisonment at Rome, we may be assured that he had the Apostle's sanction to what he did; and probably this Gospel was written some time before that event, about A.D. 63 or 64, as is generally supposed. He would appear, from Col 4:10, 11, and his intimate acquaintance with the Greek language, as well as from his Greek name [Loukas <\\See definition 3065\\>,] to have been of Gentile extraction; and according to Eusebius and others, he was a native of Antioch. But, from the Hebraisms occurring in his writings, and especially from his accurate knowledge of the Jewish rites, ceremonies, and custom, it is highly probable that he was a Jewish proselyte, and afterwards converted to Christianity. Though he may not have been, as some have affirmed, one of the seventy disciples, and an eye-witness of our Saviour's miracles, yet his intercourse with the apostles, and those who were eye-witnesses of the works and ear witnesses of the words of Christ, renders him an unexceptional witness, if considered merely as an historian; and the early and unanimous reception of his Gospel as divinely inspired is sufficient to satisfy every reasonable person.

John 20:1--21:25


<3391> [first.]

came <2064> [cometh.]

Mary Magdalene, as well as Peter, was evidently at the sepulchre twice on that morning of the resurrection. The first time of her going was some short time before her companions, the other Mary and Salome (Mt 28:1); and observing that the stone had been removed, she returned to inform Peter and John. In the meantime, the other Mary and Salome came to the sepulchre, and saw the angel, as recorded by Matthew and Mark. While these women returned to the city, Peter and John went to the sepulchre, passing them at some distance, or going another way, followed by Mary Magdalene, who stayed after their return. This was her second journey; when she saw two angels, and then Jesus himself, as here related; and immediately after Jesus appeared to the other women, as they returned to the city. (Mt 28:9, 10.) In the meantime Joanna and her company arrived at the sepulchre, when two angels appeared to them, and addressed them as the one angel had done the other women, (Lu 24:1-10.) They immediately returned to the city, and by some means found the apostles before the others arrived, and informed them of what they had seen; upon which Peter went a second time to the sepulchre, but saw only the linen clothes lying. (Lu 24:12.)

stone <3037> [the stone.]


to ...... other <4314 243> [to the.]

They have taken <142> [They have taken.]



ran <4390> [outrun.]


saw <991> [saw.]




and he saw and <2532 1492> [and he.]


they did .... understand <1492> [they.]

that <3754> [that.]


went <565> [went.]


she saw <2334> [seeth.]

in <1722> [in.]


Woman <1135> [Woman.]

why <5101> [why.]

<3754> [Because.]



and saw ..... but <2532 2334> [and saw.]

and ...... but she did ... know <2532 1492> [and knew.]


why ..... Who <5101> [whom.]

if <1487> [if.]


Mary <3137> [Mary.]

She <1565> [She.]

Rabboni <4462> [Rabboni.]


Do ... touch <680> [Touch.]

Or rather, "embrace me not," or, "cling not to me," [me <\\See definition 3361\\> mou <\\See definition 3450\\> hapsomai,] "Spend no more time with me now in joyful gratulations: for I am not yet immediately going to ascend to my Father; you will have several opportunities of seeing me again; but go and tell my disciples that I shall depart to my Father and your Father."

me ............. my brothers ......... my ....... my <3450 80> [my brethren.]

I have .... ascended ............ I am ascending <305> [I ascend.]

Father .............. Father ... your Father ...... your <3962 5216> [your Father.]

your ..... God ... your God <5216 2316> [your God.]


came <2064> [came.]


that <1565> [the same.]

and ..... and <2532> [when.]

came <2064> [came.]

Peace <1515> [Peace.]


he showed <1166> [he shewed.]

Then <3767> [Then.]


Peace <1515> [Peace.]

Just as <2531> [as.]


he breathed <1720> [he breathed.]

Receive <2983> [Receive.]



Thomas <2381> [Thomas.]

<2258> [was.]


We have seen <3708> [We.]

<3362> [Except.]


Eight <3638> [eight.]

Thomas <2381> [Thomas.]

Peace <1515> [Peace.]


Put your finger here ...... Extend your <5342 5602 4675 1147> [Reach hither thy finger.]

Put your ... here ..... hands Extend your hand <5342 5602 4675 5495> [reach hither thy hand.]

and ........ and ....... Do ... continue <2532 1096> [and be.]


My Lord ... my <3450 2962> [My Lord.]

The disbelief of the apostle is the means of furnishing us with a full and satisfactory demonstration of the resurrection of our Lord. Throughout the divine dispensations every doctrine and ever important truth is gradually revealed; and here we have a conspicuous instance of the progressive system. An angel first declares the glorious event; the empty sepulchre confirms the women's report. Christ's appearance to Mary Magdalene shewed that he was alive; that to the disciples at Emmaus proved that it was at the least the spirit of Christ; that to the eleven shewed the reality of his body; and the conviction given to Thomas proved it the self-same body that had been crucified. Incredulity itself is satisfied; and the convinced apostle exclaims, in the joy of his heart, "My Lord and my God!"


Blessed <3107> [blessed.]



these <5023> [these.]

you may believe ............. by believing <4100> [believing.]

in <1722> [through.]


this <5023> [these.]

Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]

Sea <2281> [the sea.]


Thomas <2381> [Thomas.]

Nathanael <3482> [Nathanael.]

Cana <2580> [Cana.]

[Kanah. the sons.]


I am going <5217> [I go.]

and ...... but <2532 1722> [and that.]


but <1161 3305> [but.]


Children <3813> [Children. or, Sirs.]

you ... have <2192> [have.]


Throw ................. they threw <906> [Cast.]

Throw ................. they threw <906> [They cast.]

number <4128> [the multitude.]


disciple .................. that <1565 3101 3754> [that disciple.]

<2076> [It is.]

Simon <4613> [when.]

outer garment <1903> [fisher's coat.]

Or, upper coat, great coat, or, surtout, [ependutes <\\See definition 1903\\>,] from [epi <\\See definition 1909\\>,] upon, and [enduo <\\See definition 1746\\>,] I clothe.

nothing on underneath <1131> [naked.]

That is, he was only in his vest, or under garment; for [gumnos <\\See definition 1131\\>,] naked, like the Hebrew {arom,} is frequently applied to one who has merely laid aside his outer garment. See 1 Sa 19:24; 2 Sa 6:20, on which see the note. To which may be added what we read in the LXX, Job 22:6, "Thou has taken away the covering of the naked," [amphiazo,] the plaid, or blanket, in which they wrapped themselves, and besides they had no other. In this sense Virgil says, {Nudus ara, sere nudus,} "plough naked, and sow naked," i.e., strip off your upper garments.


a hundred yards <4083> [cubits.]


they saw <991> [they saw.]


and ................ but ..... so many <2532 5118> [and for.]


Come <1205> [Come.]

have breakfast <709> [dine.]

The word [ariston <\\See definition 712\\>,] like {prandere} was used for any meat taken before the {coena,} or supper.

dared <5111> [durst.]



third time <5154> [the third time.]

Or, as some read, the third day. On the day the Saviour rose he appeared five times; the second day was that day se'nnight; and this was the third day--or this was his third appearance to any considerable number of his disciples together. Though he had appeared to Mary, to the women, to the two disciples, to Cephas--yet he had but twice appeared to a company of them together.


<2495> [son.]


[Bar-jona. lovest.]

more than <4119> [more.]

you know <4771 1492> [thou knowest.]

Feed <1006> [Feed.]

lambs <721> [lambs.]


a second time <1208> [the second.]

my sheep <3450 4263> [my sheep.]


a third time ................. a third time <5154> [the third.]

was distressed <3076> [grieved.]

Lord <2962> [Lord.]

that ............... you know ... You know that <4771 1492 1097 3754> [thou knowest that.]

Feed <1006> [Feed.]


but <1161> [but.]

others <243> [another.]

you wanted ....................... you do not want <2309 3756> [thou wouldest not.]


what kind <4169> [by.]

Follow <190> [Follow.]


saw <991> [seeth.]

whom ...... This was the disciple who .............. who <3739 5101> [which.]


Lord <2962> [Lord.]


If <1437> [If.]

follow <190> [follow.]


what concern is that of yours <5101> [what.]


we know <1492> [we know.]


<2076> [there.]

not <3761> [that even.]

This is a very strong eastern expression to represent the number of miracles which Jesus wrought. But however strong and strange it may appear to us of the western world, we find sacred and other authors using hyperboles of the like kind and signification. See Nu 13:33; De 1:28; Da 4:11; Ec 14:15. Basnage gives a very similar hyperbole taken from the Jewish writers, in which Jochanan is said to have "composed such a great number of precepts and lessons, that if the heavens were paper, and all the trees of the forest so many pens, and all the children of men so many scribes, they would not suffice to write all his lessons."

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON JOHN'S GOSPEL. John, who, according to the unanimous testimony of the ancient fathers and ecclesiastical writers, was the author of this Gospel, was the son of Zebedee, a fisherman of Bethsaida, by Salome his wife, (compare Mt 10:2, with Mt 27:55, 56 and Mr 15:40,) and brother of James the elder, whom "Herod killed with the sword," (Ac 12:2.) Theophylact says that Salome was the daughter of Joseph, the husband of Mary, by a former wife; and that consequently she was our Lord's sister, and John was his nephew. He followed the occupation of his father till his call to the apostleship, (Mt 4:21, 22, Mr 1:19, 20, Lu 5:1-10,) which is supposed to have been when he was about twenty five years of age; after which he was a constant eye-witness of our Lord's labours, journeyings, discourses, miracles, passion, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. After the ascension of our Lord he returned with the other apostles to Jerusalem, and with the rest partook of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, by which he was eminently qualified for the office of an Evangelist and Apostle. After the death of Mary, the mother of Christ, which is supposed to have taken place about fifteen years after the crucifixion, and probably after the council held in Jerusalem about A.D. 49 or 50, (Ac 15.,) at which he was present, he is said by ecclesiastical writers to have proceeded to Asia Minor, where he formed and presided over seven churches in as many cities, but chiefly resided at Ephesus. Thence he was banished by the emperor Domitian, in the fifteenth year of his reign, A.D. 95, to the isle of Patmos in the ’gean sea, where he wrote the Apocalypse, (Re 1:9.) On the accession of Nerva the following year, he was recalled from exile and returned to Ephesus, where he wrote his Gospel and Epistles, and died in the hundredth year of his age, about A.D. 100, and in the third year of the emperor Trajan. It is generally believed that St. John was the youngest of the twelve apostles, and that he survived all the rest. Jerome, in his comment on Gal VI., says that he continued preaching when so enfeebled with age as to be obliged to be carried into the assembly; and that, not being able to deliver any long discourse, his custom was to say in every meeting, My dear children, love one another. The general current of ancient writers declares that the apostle wrote his Gospel at an advanced period of life, with which the internal evidence perfectly agrees; and we may safely refer it, with Chrysostom, Epiphanius, Mill, Le Clerc, and others, to the year 97. The design of St. John in writing his Gospel is said by some to have been to supply those important events which the other Evangelists had omitted, and to refute the notions of the Cerinthians and Nicolaitans, or according to others, to refute the heresy of the Gnostics and Sabians. But, though many parts of his Gospel may be successfully quoted against the strange doctrines held by those sects, yet the apostle had evidently a more general end in view than the confutation of their heresies. His own words sufficiently inform us of his motive and design in writing this Gospel: "These things are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing, ye might have life through his name." (ch. 20:31.) Learned men are not wholly agreed concerning the language in which this Gospel was originally written. Salmasius, Grotius, and other writers, have imagined that St. John wrote it in his own native tongue, the Aramean or Syriac, and that it was afterwards translated into Greek. This opinion is not supported by any strong arguments, and is contradicted by the unanimous voice of antiquity, which affirms that he wrote it in Greek, which is the general and most probable opinion. The style of this Gospel indicates a great want of those advantages which result from a learned education; but this defect is amply compensated by the unexampled simplicity with which he expresses the sublimest truths. One thing very remarkable is an attempt to impress important truths more strongly on the minds of his readers, by employing in the expression of them both an affirmative proposition and a negative. It is manifestly not without design that he commonly passes over those passages of our Lord's history and teaching which had been treated at large by other Evangelists, or if he touches them at all, he touches them but slightly, whilst he records many miracles which had been overlooked by the rest, and expatiates on the sublime doctrines of the pre-existence, the divinity, and the incarnation of the Word, the great ends of His mission, and the blessings of His purchase.

John 21:1


this <5023> [these.]

Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]

Sea <2281> [the sea.]

Colossians 1:5-7


hope <1680> [the hope.]

laid up <606> [laid.]

message <3056> [the word.]


come <3918> [is come.]

<2076> [bringeth.]

from <575> [since.]

understood <1921> [knew.]

in ..................... among ................ in truth <1722 225> [in truth.]


Epaphras <1889> [Epaphras.]

our ........... our <2257> [our.]

faithful <4103> [a.]

Colossians 1:1


an apostle <652> [an.]

Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]

Colossians 1:1


an apostle <652> [an.]

Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]

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