Genesis 12:1-20
said <0559> [had.]
<03212> [Get.]
blessing <01293> [thou shalt.]
bless .... bless ..................... bless <01288> [And I.]
families <04940> [in thee.]
Lot <03876> [and Lot.]
when ... departed ... Haran <03212 03318 02771> [departed out.]
<05315> [the souls.]
Haran <02771> [in.]
land ....... land <0776> [and into.]
Canaan ....... Canaan <03667> [Canaan.]
So called from Canaan the son of Ham, lies between the Mediterranean sea on the west, the wilderness of Paran, Idumea, and Egypt on the south, the mountains of Arabia on the east, and the mountains of Lebanon and Phoenicia on the north. Its length, from Dan to Beersheba, is about 200 miles, and its breadth, from the Mediterranean sea to its eastern borders, about 90.
traveled through <05674> [passed.]
Shechem <07927> [Sichem.]
[Sychem. plain.]
The word rendered "plain" should be rendered "oak," or according to Celsius, the "turpentine-tree."
Moreh <04176> [Moreh.]
Canaanites <03669> [Canaanite.]
appeared ......................... appeared <07200> [appeared.]
descendants <02233> [Unto thy.]
built <01129> [builded.]
Bethel ....... Bethel <01008> [of Beth-el.]
Ai <05857> [Hai.]
[Aiath. called.]
journeyed ... stages <01980 05265> [going on still. Heb. in going and journeying.]
famine .................. famine <07458> [A.M. 2084. B.C. 1920. was a.]
down <03381> [went.]
beautiful <03303> [a fair.]
kill <02026> [will kill.]
tell <0559> [Say.]
sister <0269> [thou.]
life <05315> [and.]
saw <07200> [beheld.]
officials <08269> [princes.]
Pharaoh was a common name of the Egyptian kings, and signified a "ruler," or "king," or "father of his country." # 40:2 41:1 Ex 2:5,15 1Ki 3:1 2Ki 18:21 Jer 25:19 46:17 Eze 32:2
Abram's .... taken <03947> [taken.]
treat ... well ........ sheep .... male donkeys <03190 06629 02543> [And he.]
sheep <06629> [he had.]
Genesis 50:1-26
Then ... hugged <05307> [fell.]
wept <01058> [wept.]
physicians ........... physicians <07495> [the physicians.]
The Hebrew {ropheim,} from {rapha,} to heal, is literally the healers, those whose business it was to heal, or restore the body from sickness, by administering proper medicines; and when death took place, to heal or preserve it from decomposition by embalming. The word {chanat,} to embalm, is also used in Arabic to express the reddening of leather; somewhat analogous to our tanning; which is probably the grand principal in embalming.
embalm ....... embalmed <02590> [embalmed.]
forty days ....... time ........... days <03117 0705> [forty days.]
We learn from the Greek historians, that the time of mourning was while the body remained with the embalmers, which Herodotus says was seventy days. During this time the body lay in nitre, the use of which was to dry up all its superfluous and noxious moisture: and when, in the space of 30 days, this was sufficiently effected, the remaining forty, the time mentioned by Diodorus, were employed in anointing it with gums and spices to preserve it, which was properly the embalming. This sufficiently explains the phraseology of the text.
<01058> [mourned. Heb. wept. three-score.]
days <03117> [the days.]
Joseph <03130> [Joseph.]
found favor <02580 04672> [found grace.]
swear <07650> [made me.]
die <02009 04191> [Lo, I die.]
dug <03738> [I have.]
Bury ...................... bury <06912> [bury me.]
go <05927> [let me go.]
swear <07650> [as he made.]
up ......... went <05927> [and with him.]
little children <02945> [only their.]
Chariots <07393> [chariots.]
threshing floor <01637> [the threshingfloor.]
This place was situated, according to Jerome, between the Jordan and the city of Jericho, two miles from the former, and three from the latter, where Bethagla was afterwards built. Procopius of Gaza states the same. As {aataad} signifies thorns, the place might have been remarkable for their production; though all the versions except the Arabic consider it as a proper name. As Moses wrote or revised his history on the east side of Jordan, the term beyond Jordan, in his five books, means westward of Jordan; but in other parts of Scripture it generally means eastward.
side <05676> [beyond.]
seven day <07651 03117> [seven days.]
Canaanites <03669> [the Canaanites.]
Abel Mizraim <067> [Abel-mizraim. i.e., The mourning of the Egyptians.]
beyond ... Jordan <03383 05676> [beyond Jordan.]
cave <04631> [the cave.]
father <01> [their father.]
Joseph's ............. Joseph <03130> [Joseph.]
So ... sent .......... instructions <06680> [sent. Heb. charged.]
forgive .................... forgive <05375> [Forgive.]
treated <01580> [they did.]
servants <05650> [servants.]
wept <01058> [wept.]
threw <05307> [fell.]
afraid ........ God <03372 0430> [fear not.]
God <0430> [for am I.]
It belongs to God to execute vengeance, and Joseph did not intend to usurp his prerogative. Thus he instructed his brethren not to fear him, but to fear God; to humble themselves before God, and to seek his forgiveness.
meant ....... intended <02803> [ye thought.]
meant ...... God intended <0430 02803> [God meant.]
provide <03557> [I will nourish.]
kindly <03820> [kindly unto them. Heb. to their hearts.]
110 <03967> [an hundred.]
Joseph's life was the shortest of all the patriarchs; for which Bp. Patrick gives this reason, he was the son of his father's old age.
descendants ............ children ..... son <01121> [the children.]
special inheritance rights <03205> [brought up. Heb. born. Joseph's.]
die <04191> [I die.]
surely ...... lead ... up <06485 05927> [visit you.]
up <05927> [you out.]
swore <07650> [sware.]
oath <07650> [took an.]
come .... Then ....... up <05927> [and ye.]
110 <03967 06235 08141 01121> [being an hundred and ten years old.]
{Ben meah weÆ’iser shanim;} "the son of an hundred and ten years;" the period he lived being personified.
embalmed <02590> [they embalmed.]
CONCLUDING REMARKS. Thus terminates the Book of Genesis, the most ancient record in the world; including the History of two grand and stupendous subjects, Creation and Providence; of each of which it presents a summary, but astonishingly minute and detailed accounts. From this Book, almost all the ancient philosophers, astronomers, chronologists, and historians have taken their respective data; and all the modern improvements and accurate discoveries in different arts and sciences, have only served to confirm the facts detailed by Moses, and to shew, that all the ancient writers on these subjects have approached, or receded from, truth and the phenomena of Nature, in exactly the same proportion as they have followed or receded from, the Mosaic history. The great fact of the deluge is fully confirmed by the fossilised remains in every quarter of the globe. Add to this, that general traditions of the deluge have veen traced among the Egyptians, Chinese, Japanese, Hindoos, Burmans, ancient Goths and Druids, Mexicans, Peruvians, Brazilians, North American Indians, Greenlanders, Otaheiteans, Sandwich Islanders, and almost every nation under heaven; while the allegorical turgidity of these distorted traditions sufficiently distinguishes them from the unadorned simplicity of the Mosaic narrative. In fine, without this history the world would be in comparative darkness, not knowing whence it came, nor whither it goeth. In the first page, a child may learn more in an hour, than all the philosophers in the world learned without it in a thousand years.
Genesis 50:1
Then ... hugged <05307> [fell.]
wept <01058> [wept.]
Isaiah 13:1--14:32
message <04853> [A.M. 3292. B.C. 712. burden.]
Babylon <0894> [of Babylon.]
Isaiah <03470> [which Isaiah.]
<05375> [Lift ye up.]
bare <08192> [upon the high.]
wave <05130> [shake.]
enter ... gates <0935 06607> [go into.]
orders <06680> [commanded.]
warriors <01368> [mighty ones.]
boasting <05947> [them that.]
loud ............... commotion <06963> [noise.]
like <01823> [like as. Heb. the likeness of.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
distant <04801> [from a far.]
instruments <03627> [and the weapons.]
Wail ..... day <03213 03117> [Howl ye.]
day <03117> [for the day.]
destructive <07701> [as a.]
hands <03027> [shall all.]
limp <07503> [be faint. or, fall down. every.]
cramps <06735> [pangs.]
one another ... astonishment <0376 07453 08539> [be amazed one at another. Heb. wonder every man at his neighbour. flames. Heb. faces of the flames.]
cruelty <0394> [cruel.]
<08045> [he shall.]
punish <06485> [I will punish.]
pride <01347> [and I will cause.]
shake <07264> [I will.]
earth <0776> [the earth.]
fury <05678> [in the wrath.]
frightened <05080> [as the.]
each ...... each <0376> [they shall.]
children <05768> [children.]
wives <0802> [and their.]
stirring <05782> [I will.]
concerned about ...... interested <02803> [shall not regard.]
cut ..... ribbons <07376> [shall dash.]
look <05869> [their eye.]
Babylon <0894> [Babylon.]
Babylon, whose destruction and utter ruin are here predicted, was situated in the midst of a large plain, having a very deep and fruitful soil, on the Euphrates, about 252 miles south-east of Palmyra, and the same distance north-west of Susa and the Persian gulf, in lat. 32 degrees 30' N. and long. 44 degrees 20' E. According to Herodotus, it formed a perfect square, each side of which was 120 stadia, and consequently its circumference 480 stadia, or sixty miles; inclosed by a wall 200 cubits high, and fifty wide, on the top of which were small watch towers of one story high, leaving a space between them, through which a chariot and four might pass and turn. On each side were twenty-five gates of solid brass; from each of which proceeded a street, 150 feet broad, making in all fifty streets; which, crossing each other at right angles, intersected the city into 676 squares, extending four stadia and a half on each side, along which stood the houses, all built three or four stories high, and highly decorated towards the street; the interior of these squares being employed as gardens, pleasure grounds, etc. Its principal ornaments were the temple of Belus, having a tower of eight stories, upon a base of a quarter of a mile square; a most magnificent palace; and the famous hanging gardens, or artificial mountains raised upon arches, and planted with large and beautiful trees. Cyrus took it by diverting the waters of the Euphrates, which ran through the midst, and entering by the channel; and the river being never restored to its proper course, overflowed the whole country, and made it a morass. Darius Hystaspes afterwards depopulated the place, lowered the walls, and demolished the gates; Xerxes destroyed the temples; the building of Seleucia nearly exhausted it of its inhabitants; a king of the Parthians carried a number of them into slavery, and destroyed the most beautiful parts; so that modern travellers describe it as a mass of shapeless ruins, the habitation of wild beasts.
God <0430> [when God overthrow. Heb. the overthrowing of.]
Wild animals <06728> [But.]
Wild animals <06728> [wild beasts. Heb. Ziim. doleful creatures. Heb. Ochim. owls. or, ostriches. Heb. daughters of the owl.]
Wild dogs <0338> [the wild beasts. Heb. Iim. desolate houses. or, palaces. dragons.]
time <06256> [her time.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
choose <0977> [choose.]
special ..... them <03240> [set.]
Resident foreigners <01616> [the strangers.]
family <01004> [and the house.]
they settle .......... captors .... rule ....... them <07617 07287> [and they.]
they settle .......... captors .... rule ....... them <07617 07287> [whose captives they were. Heb. that had taken them captives. they shall rule over.]
taunt <04912> [proverb. or, taunting speech.]
oppressor <05065> [How.]
Hostility <04062> [golden city. or, exactress of gold.]
struck down <05221> [who smote.]
unceasing blows <04347 01115> [continual stroke. Heb. a stroke without removing. is persecuted.]
without <01097> [and none.]
break into song <06476> [they.]
Sheol <07585> [Hell. or, The grave. from.]
stirred up <07264> [is moved.]
former leaders <06260> [chief ones. Heb. leaders, or, great goats.]
weak <02470> [Art thou also.]
splendor <01347> [pomp.]
maggots <07415> [the worm.]
fallen <05307> [How art thou fallen.]
shining <01966> [Lucifer. or, day-star.]
conqueror <02522> [weaken.]
said <0559> [thou.]
climb up <05927> [I will ascend.]
mountain <02022> [the mount.]
climb up <05927> [ascend.]
myself <01819> [I will be.]
down <03381> [thou.]
remote slopes <03411> [to the.]
stare <07688> [shall narrowly.]
man <0376> [Is this.]
made <07760> [made.]
free ... prisoners ...... home <01004 0615 06605> [opened not the house of his prisoners. or, did not let his prisoners loose homewards.]
lie <07901> [all of.]
own tomb <01004> [house.]
thrown out <07993> [thou.]
The prophet having briefly set forth, in the beginning of this chapter, the deliverance of Judah from captivity, in consequence of the destruction of Babylon, then introduces this triumphant song, the beauties of which are excellently illustrated by Bp. Lowth.
headed for <03381> [go.]
offspring <02233> [the seed.]
execute <04293> [slaughter.]
not <01077> [do not.]
rise <06965> [I will.]
remembrance <08034> [the name.]
people <07605> [remnant.]
turn ... into <07760> [make.]
sweeps <02894> [I will sweep.]
Lord <03068> [Lord.]
have intended <01819> [Surely.]
break <07665> [I will.]
yoke <05923> [then.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
hand <03027> [his.]
[A.M. 3278. B.C. 726.]
happy <08055> [Rejoice.]
Philistines <06429> [whole.]
club <07626> [because.]
viper <05175> [for.]
serpent's <06848> [cockatrice. or, adder.]
adder <08314> [a fiery.]
<01060> [the firstborn.]
poor <01800> [the poor.]
kill <04191> [and I.]
Wail <03213> [Howl.]
comes <0935> [for.]
stragglers <0909> [none shall be alone. or, he shall not be alone. appointed times. or, assemblies.]
respond <06030> [shall one.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
oppressed <06041> [and the.]
safety <02620> [trust in it. or, betake themselves unto it.]
Isaiah 47:1-15
down <03381> [down.]
virgin <01330> [O virgin.]
daughter ............ daughter <01323> [daughter.]
throne <03678> [there is.]
longer <03254> [thou shalt.]
millstones <07347> [the millstones.]
strip off <02834> [make bare.]
get <03947> [I will take.]
protector <01350> [our redeemer.]
silently <01748> [silent.]
longer <03254> [for.]
After Babylon was taken by Cyrus, instead of being "the lady of kingdoms," the metropolis of a great empire, and mistress of all the East, it became subject to the Persians; and the imperial seat being removed to Susa, instead of having a king, it had only a deputy residing there, who governed it as a province of the Persian empire.
angry <07107> [wroth.]
defiled <02490> [I have polluted.]
placed <07760> [thou didst.]
old people <02205> [upon.]
said <0559> [thou saidst.]
it ... turn <07760> [so that.]
lavishly <05719> [given.]
No <0657> [I am.]
lives ..................... live <03427> [I shall not.]
Both <08147> [these two.]
suddenly <07281> [in a moment.]
come ................... overwhelmed <0935> [they shall come.]
many <07230> [for the multitude.]
complacent <0982> [thou hast trusted.]
thought ................ say <0559> [thou hast said.]
wisdom <02451> [Thy wisdom.]
thought ................ say <07725 0559> [perverted thee. or, caused thee to turn away. I am.]
know ........................... recognize <03045> [thou shalt not know.]
charm <07837> [from whence it riseth. Heb. the morning thereof. thou shalt not be.]
appease <03722> [put it off. Heb. expiate.]
tired <03811> [wearied.]
omens <01895> [Let now.]
omens ..... who gaze <02374 01895> [astrologers, the stargazers. Heb. viewers of the heavens. the monthly prognosticators. Heb. that gave knowledge concerning the months.]
straw ......... rescue <07179 05337> [they shall.]
[themselves Heb. their souls.]
coals <01513> [there shall.]
dealt <05503> [thy merchants.]
strays off <08582> [they shall.]
Babylon was replenished from all nations, by a concourse of people, whom Jeremiah (ch. 50:37) calls "the mingled people." All these, at the approach of Cyrus, sought to escape to their several countries.
Daniel 5:1-31
prepared <05648> [made.]
Belshazzar <01113> [Belshazzar.]
Belshazzar is said by Josephus to be the same as Naboandelus, the Nabonadius of Ptolemy, and the Labynetus of Herodotus. He reigned seven years, during which time he was engaged in unsuccessful wars with the Medes and Persians; and at this very time was besieged by Cyrus.
gold <01722> [the golden.]
father <02> [father. or, grandfather.]
confiscated from <05312 04481> [taken out. Chal. brought forth. might.]
praised <07624> [praised.]
gold <01722> [of gold.]
moment <08160> [the same.]
wrote ........................ writing <03790> [wrote.]
king's <04430> [the king's.]
face <02122> [countenance. Chal. brightness.]
color drained <08133> [was changed. Chal. changed it. and his thoughts.]
joints <07001> [so that.]
joints <07001> [joints. or, girdles.]
[Chal. bindings, or knots. and his knees.]
loudly <02429> [aloud. Chal. with might.]
summon <05954> [to bring.]
clothed <03848> [be clothed.]
purple <0711> [scarlet. or, purple. a chain.]
third <08523> [the third.]
unable <03546> [but.]
Because, probably, it was written in the ancient Hebrew or Samaritan character.
very <07690> [greatly.]
<02122> [countenance. Chal. brightness.]
visibly shaken <08133> [changed.]
queen mother ....... She <04433> [the queen.]
This was probably Nitocris, the queen-mother, widow of Evil-merodach, son of Nebuchadnezzar, and father of Belshazzar.
king ................ king <04430> [O king.]
Don't .... Don't <0409> [let not.]
man <01400> [a man.]
father .................. father <02> [father. or, grandfather.]
insight <05094> [light.]
Nebuchadnezzar <05020> [Nebuchadnezzar.]
Nebuchadnezzar was certainly the grandfather of Belshazzar; but the term father in Hebrew and Chaldee is frequently used to denote a progenitor, or ancestor, however remote.
father .................. father <02> [father. or, grandfather.]
chief <07229> [master.]
extraordinary <03493> [an excellent.]
interpret dreams <06590 02493> [interpreting of. or, of an interpreter of, etc. dissolving. or, of a dissolver. doubts. Chal. knots.]
king <04430> [whom.]
you that <0607> [Art thou.]
Though Daniel was one of the chief ministers of state, who did "the king's business" in the palace, (Da 8:27,) yet Belshazzar seems to have known nothing of him. This shews that he was a weak and vicious prince, who minded pleasure more than business, according to the character given him by historians. He appears to have left the care of public affairs to his mother, Nitocris, a lady celebrated for her wisdom, who evidently knew Daniel well, and probably constantly employed him in the government of the kingdom.
one <01123> [the children.]
father <02> [father. or, grandfather.]
Judah ......... Judah <03061> [Jewry.]
provide interpretations ................. make known <06590 03046> [make. Chal. interpret.]
wear <03848> [thou shalt.]
gifts <04978> [Let.]
Daniel, on this occasion, behaved in a very different manner to Belshazzar, than he had formerly done to Nebuchadnezzar. Belshazzar had that very night insulted the God of heaven in the most daring manner; and the venerable prophet, as His delegate, denounced sentence against him.
rewards <05023> [rewards. or, fee.]
read <07123> [I will read.]
you <0607> [O thou.]
most high <05943> [the most.]
bestowed <03052> [that he.]
were ........... wished ... spared .... wished ... exalted .... wished .... brought <01934> [whom he would he slew.]
mind <03825> [when.]
filled <08631> [hardened.]
pride <02103> [in pride. or, to deal proudly. deposed. Chal. made to come down.]
driven <02957> [he was driven.]
mind ... changed to that ....... with <07739 05974 03825> [his heart was made like. or, he made his heart equal. etc. till.]
you ........... knew <0607 03046> [thou.]
son <01247> [his son.]
He was, strictly speaking, "his grandson;" but the term son is frequently used to denote filiation at any distance.
not <03809> [hast.]
although <06903> [though.]
exalted <07313> [lifted.]
Lord <04756> [the Lord.]
brought <0858> [and they.]
praised <07624> [hast praised.]
see <02370> [which.]
control <03028> [in whose.]
all <03606> [and whose.]
cannot ... or ... or ...... not <03809> [hast thou.]
MENE MENE <04484> [MENE.]
Had these words been written in the Chaldean character, every one who knew the alphabet of the language could at least have read them: they are pure Chaldee, and literally denote "He is numbered, he is numbered; he is weighed; they are divided."
God <0426> [God.]
teqel .... weighed <08625> [Thou.]
teqel .... weighed ...... found <08625 07912> [art.]
peres ..... divided <06537> [PERES.]
Peres,"he was divided," pronounced paras, denoted Persians, who seem evidently referred to.
kingdom <04437> [Thy.]
clothed <03848> [they clothed.]
Darius <01868> [Darius.]
This was Cyaxares, son of Astyages, king of Media, and maternal uncle to Cyrus, who allowed him the title of his conquests, as long as he lived.
sixty-two <08361> [being. Chal. he as the son of, etc. about. or, now.]
Habakkuk 2:16
shame ... majesty ................................ majestic glory <07036 03519> [with shame for glory. or, more with shame than with glory.]
drink <08354> [drink.]
expose ... uncircumcised foreskin <06188> [and let.]
cup <03563> [the cup.]
disgrace <07022> [and shameful.]
Revelation 18:1-24
<1492> [I saw.]
and ... earth <2532 1093> [and the.]
He shouted <2896> [cried.]
Babylon <897> [Babylon.]
She has become <1096> [become.]
all <3956> [all.]
merchants <1713> [the merchants.]
power <1411> [abundance. or, power.]
her ............... her ............... her sensual behavior <846 4764> [her delicacies.]
Come out <1831> [Come.]
you will ... take part in <4790> [partakers.]
<190> [reached.]
and <2532> [and.]
Repay ....... repaid <591> [Reward.]
her ..... she .... pay ... back double .... her ......... double the amount for her <1363 1362 846> [double unto.]
cup <4221> [the cup.]
As much as she exalted <3745 1392> [much she.]
I rule <2521> [I sit.]
no widow <3756 5503 3364> [no widow.]
experience her ......................... her <2240 846> [shall her.]
and ... and she will be burned down <2532 2618> [and she.]
because <3754> [for.]
kings <935> [the kings.]
will weep <2799> [shall bewail.]
smoke <2586> [the smoke.]
a long way off <3113> [afar.]
Woe woe <3759> [Alas.]
great <3173> [that great.]
because .................... For <1223 3754> [for.]
merchants <1713> [the merchants.]
buys <59> [buyeth.]
cargo <1117> [merchandise.]
citron wood <2367> [thyine. or, sweet.]
cinnamon <2792> [cinnamon.]
slaves <4983> [slaves. or, bodies.]
and ...... and .... and ..... and ... lives <2532 5590> [and souls.]
By the sale of indulgences, dispensations, absolutions, masses, bulls, etc.
you greatly desired ..... you ........... you <5590 4675> [thy soul.]
has gone <565> [departed.]
<3588> [which.]
will stand <2476> [shall.]
Woe woe <3759> [Alas.]
<3391> [in one.]
And every .... and all ........ and <2532 3956> [And every.]
<3708> [when.]
Who <5101> [What.]
they threw <906> [they cast.]
with weeping <2799> [weeping.]
because <3754> [for.]
Rejoice <2165> [Rejoice.]
and ... saints and ... and <2532 40> [and ye.]
It is peculiarly worthy of remark, that the apostles, who are idolatrously honoured at Rome, and daily worshipped, should be specially mentioned as rejoicing in her fall; as if it "avenged them" on her, for the dishonour cast on their characters, while it vindicated the glory of God.
God <2316> [God.]
one powerful <1520 2478> [a mighty.]
This was to represent the violence of her fall, and that she should never rise again; which is further illustrated by varied emphatic expressions taken from the ancient prophets. But Rome is still standing and flourishing, and honoured by many nations as the metropolis of the Christian world; she still resounds with singers and musicians; she still excels in arts, which serve for pomp and luxury; she still abounds with candles, and lamps, and torches, burning even by day, as well as by night; and consequently this prophecy has not been, but remains to fulfilled.
With this kind of <3779> [Thus.]
Then ............. threw ................... will be thrown down and it will ... be found <2532 906 2147> [and shall.]
sound ............................... noise <5456> [the voice.]
light <5457> [the light.]
voices <5456> [the voice.]
your merchants ............... your <4675 1713> [thy merchants.]
For .......... because <3754> [for.]
had been killed <4969> [were.]