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Joshua 1:1--10:43


died <04194> [the death.]

[See on]

Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

[See on]


Moses' minister.


Moses <04872> [Moses.]

Get <06965> [arise.]



wilderness <04057> [From the wilderness.]

That is, their utmost limits should be from the Desert of Arabia Petr‘a on the south, to Lebanon on the north; and from the Euphrates on the east, to the Great Sea, or the Mediterranean, on the west. The Israelites did not possess the full extent of this grant till the time of David.


<0376> [There shall.]

Moses <04872> [as I was.]

abandon <07503> [I will not.]


strong <02388> [Be strong.]

people <05971> [unto this people, etc. or, thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land. divide.]

promised <07650> [which I sware.]


Moses <04872> [which Moses.]

swerve ...... right <05493 03225> [turn not.]

obey ............................. successful <08104 07919> [that.]

successful <07919> [prosper. or, do wisely.]

8 *marg:


scroll <05612> [book.]

memorize .................... prosper .... successful <01897 06743 07919> [thou shalt.]

carefully <08104> [observe.]

successful <07919> [have good success. or, do wisely.]

7 *marg:


repeat <06680> [Have.]

strong <02388> [Be strong.]

afraid <06206> [be not.]

Lord <03068> [for the Lord.]


leaders .... people <07860 05971> [the officers of the people.]

The {shoterim,} or officers, were different from the {shophetim,} who were the judges among the people. The {shoterim} have been supposed to be subordinate officers, whose business it was to see the decisions of the {shophetim} carried into effect. Calmet conjectures, that the {shoterim} here may have been the heralds of the army.


three days <03117 07969> [three days.]

Go .................. cross <05674> [ye shall.]


Remember <02142> [Remember.]


armed for battle <02571> [armed. Heb. marshalled by five.]

warriors <01368> [the mighty.]


Lord ................. Lord .......................... Lord's <03068> [Until.]

go back <07725> [then ye shall.]



Lord <03068> [only the Lord.]


rebels <04784> [that doth rebel.]

executed <04191> [he shall be.]

strong <02388> [only be.]


sent <07971> [sent. or, had sent. Shittim.]

spies out .... secretly <07270 02791> [to spy secretly.]

Jericho <03405> [even Jericho.]

prostitute <0802 02181> [harlot's house.]

Though the word {zonah} generally denotes a prostitute, yet many very learned men are of opinion that it should be here rendered an innkeeper or hostess, from {zoon,} to furnish or provide food. In this sense it was understood by the Targumist, who renders it, {ittetha pundekeetha,} "a woman, a tavern-keeper," and so St. Chrysostome, in his second sermon on Repentance, calls her [pandokeutria.] The Greek [porn‚,] by which the LXX. render it, and which is adopted by the Apostles, is derived from [perna¢,] to sell, and is also supposed to denote a tavern keeper. Among the ancients, women generally kept houses of entertainment. Herodotus says, "Among the Egyptians, the women carry on all commercial concerns, and keep taverns, while the men continue at home and weave." The same custom prevailed among the Greeks.


spent the night <07901> [lodged. Heb. lay.]


king ...... report <04428 0559> [told the king.]


Turn over <03318> [Bring.]

spy <02658> [to search.]



shut <05462> [of shutting.]

left ........ heading <03318 01980 0582> [the men went out.]


roof ................. roof <01406> [to the roof.]

hidden ..... stalks <02934 06086> [hid them.]


fords <04569> [the fords.]

shut <05462> [they shut.]


know <03045> [I know.]

Lord <03068> [that the Lord.]

absolutely terrified <0367> [your terror.]

cringing <04127> [faint. Heb. melt.]


heard <08085> [For we.]

<06213> [what ye did.]


lost ... courage <03824> [our hearts.]

<06965> [did there remain. Heb. rose up.]

Lord <03068> [for the Lord.]


promise ..... an oath <07650> [swear.]

shown ..... show <06213> [that ye will.]

family <01> [my father's.]

Give .... solemn <05414 0571> [give me.]


father <01> [my father.]

It is observable that in this enumeration of her kindred, there is no mention made of a husband. It is most likely that she was a single woman or widow, who obtained an honest livelihood by keeping a house for the entertainment of strangers; and not a woman of ill fame, as some have supposed. The spies sent on this occasion were certainly some of the most confidential persons that Joshua had in his host, and their errand was of the greatest importance; is it then not most likely that they lodged at an inn?


[for your's. Heb. instead of you to die.]

Lord <03068> [when the Lord.]


down <03381> [she let them.]

house <01004> [for her house.]


hill country <03212 02022> [Get you.]



red rope <02339 08144> [scarlet thread.]

gather together <0622> [bring. Heb. gather. thy father.]


who .... house ...................... house <0834 01004> [whosoever.]

death ................. harmed <01818 02351> [street, his blood.]

house ........ death ............... house ... harmed <01818 01004> [house, his blood.]


report <05046> [And if thou.]

not bound <05355> [we will be quit.]


tied <07194> [And she bound.]


find <04672> [found them not.]


Surely ... Lord <03588 03068> [Truly the Lord.]

live <03427> [all the inhabitants.]

cringing <04127> [faint. Heb. melt.]


early <07925> [rose early.]

Archbishop Usher supposes, that this was upon Wednesday, the 28th of April, A.M. 2553, the fortieth year of the Exodus from Egypt. From Shittim, where the israelites had been encamped for about two months (De 1:3), to the Jordan, was, according to Josephus, about sixty stadia; that is, between seven and eight English miles.

Shittim <07851> [Shittim.]

Jordan <03383> [Jordan.]

Jordan, called by the Arabs El Sharia, takes its rise in Anti-Libanus, about twelve miles north of C‘sarea Philippi, now Banias; and, having run about twelve miles southward, it receives a considerable stream, which is now called the Moiet Hasbeia. About 15 miles farther, it forms the waters of Merom or Semechon, now Houle; and, after running about 28 miles more, it passes through the lake of Gennesareth, and thence runs southward till it loses itself in the Dead Sea; its whole course being about 160 miles.


three days <07969 03117> [three days.]


see <07200> [When ye see.]

see <07200> [See on]

priests <03548> [the priests.]

leave <05265> [ye shall remove.]


<07350> [a space.]

before <08543> [heretofore. Heb. since yesterday and the third day.]


consecrate <06942> [Sanctify.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


Pick ................. picked <05375> [Take up.]


honor ... before <01431 05869> [magnify thee.]

Moses <04872> [that, as I was.]


Instruct <06680> [command.]

wade <05975> [ye shall stand.]


listen .... words <01697 08085> [Hear the words.]


know <03045> [Hereby ye.]

living <02416> [living.]

among <07130> [among.]

drive out before <03423 06440> [drive out from.]


<0113> [the Lord.]

enter <05674> [passeth.]



<03709> [the soles.]

Lord <03068> [of the Lord.]

<05975 0259> [stand upon.]


carrying ... ark <05375 0727> [bearing the ark.]


feet <07272> [the feet.]

Jordan .................. Jordan <04390 03383> [Jordan overfloweth.]

The ordinary current of the Jordan, near where the Israelites crossed, is said by Maundrell, to be about twenty yards across, deeper than a man's height, and so rapid, that there is no swimming against it. It has, however, two banks; the first, or inner one, is that of the river in its natural state, and the second, or outer one, about a furlong distant, is that of its overflowings, which it does when the summer's sun has melted the snow on mount Lebanon and Hermon, in the months of March and April. And this was the time which God chose that the Israelites should pass over it; that a miraculous interposition might be necessary; and that, by the miracle, they might be convinced of his omnipotence.

time <03117> [all the time.]


<06965> [rose up.]

Zarethan <06891> [Zaretan.]


[Zarthan. the salt sea.]

The passage through the Red Sea took place in the night, when the Israelites were fleeing from the Egyptians with great trepidation: but they passed Jordan in the day-time, with previous warning, leisurely, directly opposite to Jericho, and with a triumphant defiance of the Canaanites; this passage into the promised land evidently typifying the believer's passage through death to heaven.


priests <03548> [the priests.]

stood firmly <05975 03559> [stood firm.]

Israel <03478> [all the Israelites.]


other <08552 05674> [were clean passed.]


men <0582 08147> [twelve men.]


[the priest's fees.]

stones <08147 068> [twelve stones.]

put ..... place where you camp <03240 04411> [leave them.]


appointed <03559> [prepared.]


reminder <0226> [a sign.]

children <01121> [when your.]

someday <04279> [in time to come. Heb. to-morrow.]


water ...................... water <04325> [the waters.]

memorial <02146> [memorial.]


did .... Joshua ........................... Joshua <06213 03091> [did so as Joshua.]


set up twelve <06965 08147> [set up twelve.]

day <03117> [and they are there.]

These words might be written by Joshua at the close of his life, or perhaps be added by some later prophet. It seems from this verse, that there were two sorts of stones erected as a memorial of this great event: twelve at Gilgal (ver. 20,) and twelve in the bed of the Jordan; which last might have been placed on a base of strong stone work, so high as always to be visible, and serve to mark the very spot where the priests stood with the ark. Drs. Kennicott and Shuckford, however, would read here with the Syriac, {mittoch,} "from the midst," instead of {bethoch,} "in the midst;" and render, "And Joshua took up the twelve stones (taken) from the midst of Jordan," etc. But this reading is unsupported by any MS. yet collated; and it appears wholly unnecessary.


standing .... middle <05975 08432> [stood in the midst.]

Moses <04872> [Moses.]

quickly <04116> [hasted.]


ark <0727> [that the ark.]


Reubenites Gadites ............... Israelites <01121> [the children.]


battle-ready troops <02502 06635> [prepared for war. or, ready armed.]

plains <06160> [to the plains.]


honor <01431> [magnified.]

respected .......... respected <03372> [they feared him.]



up <05927> [Come ye up.]


<03709> [the soles.]

<05423> [lifted up. Heb. plucked up. that the waters.]

As soon as the priests and the ark were come up out of Jordan, the waters of the river, which had stood on a heap, flowed down according to their natural and usual course, and again soon filled the channel. This make it abundantly evident, that the miraculous change which had been given to the river was not from any secret natural cause, but solely by the power of God, and for the sake of his chosen people; for when Israel's host had passed through, and the token of his presence was removed, immediately the waters went forward again: so that if it be asked, "What aileth thee, O Jordan, that thou wast driven back?" it must be answered, it was in obedience to the God of Israel, and in kindness to the Israel of God.

<03212> [and flowed. Heb. went.]


first month <02320 07223> [first month.]

Gilgal <01537> [Gilgal.]

That is, the place afterwards called Gilgal; for it is so called here by anticipation. It was about ten furlongs east from Jericho, and fifty west from the Jordan. See Josephus and Calmet.



Israelites .... children <01121> [When your.]

someday <04279> [in time to come. Heb. to-morrow.]



Lord ....................... Lord <03068> [as the Lord.]

The parents must take that occasion to tell their children of the drying up of the Red Sea forty years before: "As the Lord your God did to the Red Sea." It greatly magnifies later mercies to compare them with those before enjoyed; for, by making the comparison, it appears that God is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever. Later blessings should also bring to remembrance former mercies, and revive thankfulness for them.

dried ....................... dried <03001> [which he dried.]


nations <05971> [all the people.]

power <02389> [that it is.]

obey <03372> [ye might.]

<03117> [for ever. Heb. all days.]


kings ............. kings <04428> [all the kings.]

Canaanite <03669> [Canaanites.]

west ............. seacoast <03220> [which were by.]

When <08085> [heard.]

breathe <07307> [neither was.]


flint knives <02719 06697> [sharp knives. or, knives of flints.]

Before the use of iron was common, all the nations of the earth had their edge tools made of stones, flints, etc. Our ancestors had their arrows and spearheads made of flint; which are frequently turned up by the plough. And even when iron became more common, stone knives seem to have been preferred for making incisions in the human body. The Egyptians used such to open the bodies for embalming; and the tribe of Alnajab in Ethiopia, who follow the Mosaic institution, perform the rite of circumcision, according to Ludolf, {cultris lapidibus,} with knives made of stone.

circumcise <04135> [circumcise.]


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

Hill .... Foreskins <06190 01389> [the hill of the foreskins. or, Gibeah haaraloth.]


men <05971 0582> [All the.]


circumcised .................. uncircumcised <04135> [they had not.]


traveled <01980> [walked.]

sworn ............. see ...... sworn <07650 07200> [sware that.]

land ........... land <0776> [a land.]


sons <01121> [their children.]


<08552> [when they, etc. Heb. when the people had made an end to be circumcised. till they were whole.]


taken away <01556> [I rolled away.]

Gilgal <01537> [Gilgal.]

That is, rolling.


celebrated ... Passover <06453 06213> [kept the passover.]


produce <05669> [old corn.]

The people would find abundance of old corn in the deserted granaries of the affrighted inhabitants: and the barley harvest being ripe, after offering the sheaf of first-fruits, they ate also new parched corn; and thus the manna being no longer necessary, ceased, after having been sent them regularly for almost forty years. To Christians the manna for their souls shall never fail, till they arrive at the Canaan above, to feast on its rich and inexhaustible provisions.

unleavened bread <04682> [unleavened cakes.]


manna ................... manna <04478> [the manna.]

ate ............ ate <0398> [but they did eat.]


looked <05375> [he lifted.]

man <0376> [a man.]

sword <02719> [his sword.]

enemies <06862> [Art thou for us.]


commander <08269> [but as captain. or, Prince.]

bowed ..... face <05307 06440> [fell on his.]

say <01696> [What saith.]

<0113> [my lord.]


<05394> [Loose.]

Joshua ................ Joshua <03091> [And Joshua.]

Many persons have been puzzled to know what was intended by this extraordinary appearance of the angel to Joshua, because they supposed that the whole business ends with the chapter; whereas it is continued in the succeeding one, the first verse of which is a mere parenthesis, simply relating to the state of Jericho at the time when Joshua was favoured with this encouraging vision; by which he was shewn that their help came from God alone, and that it was not by human might or power, but by the Lord of hosts they were to obtain the victory.


shut tightly <05462> [was straitly. Heb. did shut up, and was shut up.]

because <06440> [because.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

See <07200 05414> [See, I have.]

king <04428> [the king.]


around <05437> [ye shall.]


horns ...................... horns <07782> [trumpets of rams'.]

The words {shopheroth hyyovelim,} should rather be rendered jubilee, trumpets, i.e., such as were used on the jubilee, which were probably made of horn or silver: for the entrance of the Israelites into Canaan was indeed a jubilee to them (See Note on Le 25:11): instead of the dreadful trumpet of war, they were ordered to sound the trumpet of joy, as already conquerors.

seven .... seven ................. seven times <07651 06471> [seven times.]


<04900> [make a long.]

army ............... warriors <05971> [the people.]

wall <02346> [and the wall.]

The words {wenaphelah chomath hair tachteyha,} are literally, "and the wall of the city shall fall down under itself;" which appears simply to mean, that the wall shall fall down from its very foundation; which was probably the case in every part, though large breaches in different places might have been amply sufficient first to admit the armed men, after whom the host might enter to destroy the city. There is no ground for the supposition that the walls sunk into the earth.

<08478> [flat. Heb. under it.]


Pick up ... ark ......... carry ......... ark <0727 05375> [Take up the ark.]


armed <02502> [that is armed.]


before ... Lord ................ Lord <06440 03068> [before the Lord.]


guard <0622> [and the rereward. Heb. gathering. host.]


raise ... voices <06963 08085> [any noise with your voice. Heb. your voice to be heard.]

day <03117> [until the day.]


early ..... Joshua <03091 07925> [Joshua rose.]

priests <03548> [the priests.]


marched along ....... marched ......... followed <01980> [went on.]



<05927> [about the dawning.]

On .... day ................... time <03117> [only on that day.]



cry <07321> [Shout.]


<02764> [accursed. or, devoted.]

Rahab <07343> [only Rahab.]

hid <02244> [because.]


But <07535> [in any wise.]

setting apart <02763> [lest ye make.]

make .... camp <04264 07760> [make the camp.]

disaster <05916> [and trouble it.]


silver <03701> [all the silver.]

<06944> [consecrated. Heb. holiness.]

treasury <0214> [the treasury.]


wall <02346> [the wall.]

collapsed <05307> [flat. Heb. under it.]


annihilated <02763> [And they.]

The Canaanites were ripe for destruction; and God was pleased, instead of destroying them by a pestilence, a famine, or an earthquake, to employ the Israelites as the executioners of his vengeance. Had an angel been commissioned to slay them, who would have charged him with iniquity or cruelty? In all public calamities infants are involved; and tens of thousands of infants die in great agony every year. Now, either God is not the agent in these calamities, (which opinion, though often implied in men's reasonings on these subjects, is not far from atheism;) or they must consist with the most perfect justice and goodness.

annihilated <02763> [utterly.]


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

promised <07650> [as ye sware unto her.]


brought out Rahab ............. brought out <07343 03318> [out Rahab.]

family <04940> [kindred. Heb. families. left them.]


burned <08313> [burnt.]

silver <03701> [only the silver.]


Rahab <07343> [Rahab.]

lives <03427> [she dwelleth.]

day <03117> [unto.]

hid <02244> [because.]


solemn <07650> [adjured.]

This is to be regarded as a prediction, that he who rebuilded this city should lose all his children in the interim between the laying of the foundation to the completion of the walls.

declaration <0779> [Cursed.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

famous <08089> [his fame.]


disobeyed <04603> [committed.]

Achan <05912> [for Achan.]

[Achar, Zimri. took.]

furious <0639> [the anger.]


Ai ............................. Ai <05857> [to Ai.]


[Aija. Beth-aven.]

Go up .......... went up <05927> [Go up.]


three <07969> [about two. Heb. about 2,000 men, or about 3,000 men. labour.]


fled <05127> [fled.]


chased <07291> [for they.]

steep slope <04174> [the going down. or, Morad. wherefore.]


tore <07167> [rent.]

lay ... down <05307> [fell.]

evening <06153> [until the eventide.]

threw dirt <06083 05927> [put dust.]

Rending the clothes, beating the breast, tearing the hair, throwing dust upon the head, and falling prostrate, were usual signs of deep affliction and distress among the ancient Israelites. In illustration of this custom, see 1 Sa 4:12, when the messenger brought tidings to Eli of the discomfiture of the armies of Israel by the Philistines; again, in the case of Tamar, 2 Sa 13:19, and in Ne 9:1, when a whole nation, "assembled with fasting, and with sackcloth, and earth upon them." See also the case of Mordecai, Es 4:1, and Job 2:12, where his friends abased themselves to comfort him; refer also to Eze 27:30. Jon 3:6. Mic 1:10. In each of these instances it is worthy of remark, that putting dust on the head generally follows rending of the clothes, and was the usual mode of evincing poignant sorrow.


bring .... across <05674> [wherefore.]

hand ... over <05414> [to deliver.]

<03863> [would to.]

<03427> [and dwelt.]


say <0559> [what shall.]

[back. Heb. necks.]


When <08085> [shall hear.]

turn <05437> [environ.]

do <06213> [what wilt thou.]


lying <05307> [wherefore.]

lying <05307> [liest. Heb. fallest.]



Israel <03478> [Israel.]

violated <05674> [transgressed.]

riches <02764> [the accursed.]

stolen <01589> [stolen.]

<03584> [dissembled.]

possessions <03627> [among.]


Israelites <01121> [the children.]

annihilation .............. contaminated <02764> [they were.]

longer <03254> [neither.]


consecrate ......... consecrate <06942> [sanctify.]

contaminated ................... contaminating <02764> [an accursed.]

remove <05493> [take away.]


tribal .... tribe <07626> [the tribe.]


caught <03920> [he that is.]

violated ...... did <05674 06213> [he hath.]

did <06213> [wrought.]

disgraceful thing <05039> [folly. or, wickedness.]


early <07925> [rose up.]

approach <07126> [and brought.]




<03920> [was taken.]


son <01121> [My son.]

<07760> [give.]

give <05414> [make.]

Tell ..... did <05046 06213> [tell me.]


It is true <0546> [Indeed.]


saw <07200> [I saw.]

robe ... Babylon <08152 0155> [Babylonish garment.]

{Addereth shinÆ’r,} "a splendid or costly robe of Shinar," the plain in which Babylon stood. Bochart and Calmet have shewn at large, that Babylonish robes were very splendid, and in high reputation. Calmet says, they are generally allowed to have been of various colours, though some suppose they were woven thus; others, that they were embroidered with the needle; and others, that they were painted. Silius Italicus seems to think they were woven. Martial supposes them to have been embroidered with the needle; and Pliny and Apuleius speak of them as painted.

Ge 10:10 *marg:

bar <03956> [wedge. Heb. tongue. I coveted.]

took ..... hidden <03947 02934> [took them.]

hidden <02934> [they are hid.]


placed <03332> [laid them out. Heb. poured.]


took Achan <05912 03947> [took Achan.]

son ............... sons <01121> [his sons.]

Valley <06010> [the valley.]


Why .... brought disaster ....... bring disaster <04100 05916> [Why hast.]

Israel <03478> [all Israel.]

burned <08313> [burned.]


erected <06965> [raised.]

Lord's <03068> [So the Lord.]

Valley <06010> [The valley.]

Disaster <05911> [Achor. that is, Trouble.]


afraid .... panic <03372 02865> [Fear not.]

Take .... army ...................... people <03947 05971> [take all.]

It would seem, from this verse, that all that were capable of bearing arms were to march out of the camp on this occasion: 30,000 formed an ambuscade in one place; and 5,000 were placed in another, who all gained their positions in the night. With the rest of the army, Joshua appeared the next morning before Ai, which the men of that city would naturally suppose was the whole of the Israelitish force and, consequently, be the more emboldened to come out and attack them. Some, however, think that 30,000 men were the whole that were employed on this occasion, 5,000 of whom were placed in ambush on the west of the city, between Bethel and Ai (ver. 12,) and, with the rest, Joshua appeared before the city in the morning. The king, seeing but about 25,000 coming against him, though he had but 12,000 persons in the whole city (ver. 25), determined to risk a battle, issued out, and was defeated by stratagem.

See I ... handing <07200 05414> [see, I have.]


Do ... Ai ....... did <05857 06213> [do to Ai.]

[See on ch.]

plunder <07998> [only the spoil.]

Set ... ambush <07760 0693> [lay thee.]


night <03915> [by night.]


ambush <0693> [lie in wait.]

very far <07368 03966> [go not.]


like <07223> [as at.]

retreat <05127> [that we will.]


lured <05423> [drawn. Heb. pulled.]

retreating from us ...... retreat <05127> [They flee.]


Lord <03068> [for the Lord.]


city set <05892 03341> [set the city.]

See ...... orders <07200 06680> [See, I have.]


Bethel <01008> [between.]


spent <03885> [lodged.]


Bright and early <07925> [rose up.]



five thousand <0505 02568> [five thousand.]

Ai <05857> [of the city. or, of Ai.]


rear <06119> [liers in wait. Heb. lying in wait.]


west <03220> [on the west.]


Ai saw <07200 05857> [Ai saw it.]

realize .... hiding <03045 0693> [he wist not.]


way <01870> [by the way.]


ordered ... chase .... chased <02199 07291> [called together.]

lured away <05423> [drawn away.]


men <0376> [a man.]

Bethel <01008> [Bethel.]

Bethel is not mentioned in the Greek version, and some, with Houbigant and Pilkington, think it was not originally in the Hebrew; because, had the men of Bethel pursued, as well as those of Ai, it would have been said that they left the cities, and not the city, open. The principal strength of Bethel might have been previously taken into Ai, as the strongest place to make a stand in; Bethel being but about three miles westward from Ai.


out ..................... held <05186> [Stretch.]

curved ...................... curved <03591> [the spear.]

The word {keedon} is rendered {clypeum,} a shield or buckler, by the Vulgate but the LXX. translate it [gaison,] which Suidas says, signifies a kind of weapon, [hoion doratos,] like a spear. It may denote a short spear, javelin, or lance; for it is evident that it signifies neither the larger spear nor the shield, because it is distinguished from both.

Joshua may have had a flag or ensign at the end of the spear, which might be seen at a considerable distance when extended, which was the sign agreed upon by him and the ambush.



smoke <06227> [the smoke.]

into <03027> [and they had.]

into <03027> [power. Heb. hand.]


leaving ... survivors <07604 08300> [let none.]



Ai ................. returned ... Ai <07725 05857> [returned unto Ai.]

This must refer to the women, children, and old persons left behind; for it seems that all the effective men had sallied out when they imagined the Israelites had fled. (ver. 16.)


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

Joshua seems to have been not only the general but the standard-bearer of the army, (ver. 18,) and continued in this employment, by holding up or extending his spear, during the whole of the battle; and did not slacken from the pursuit till the forces of Ai were utterly discomfited. Some commentators, however, understand this action in a figurative sense, like the holding up of Moses' hands, as if it implied that Joshua continued in prayer for the success of his troops, nor ceased till the armies of Ai were annihilated, and the city taken and destroyed.

holding <07725 03027> [drew not.]


cattle <0929> [the cattle.]

orders <06680> [he commanded.]



mound <08510> [an heap.]

day <03117> [unto this day.]


king <04428> [the king.]

The kings of Canaan lay under the same curse as their subjects and probably were more deeply criminal. The reserving of the king of Ai for a solemn execution, would tend to strike terror into the other kings, contribute to the success of Israel, and give their proceedings the stamp of a judicial process, and of executing the vengeance of God upon his enemies.

sunset <08121> [as soon.]

large pile <01530 01419> [a great heap.]


built ... altar <01129 04196> [built an altar.]

Mount Ebal <02022 05858> [in mount Ebal.]

Moses himself had twice given express orders for this solemnity; once De 11:29, 30, in which he pointed out the very place where it was to be performed; and again, at the 27th chapter, there is a renewal of the instructions to Joshua, with special reference to minute particulars. It was a federal transaction: the covenant was now renewed between God and Israel upon their taking possession of the land of promise, that they might be encouraged in the conquest of it, and might know upon what terms they held it, and come under fresh obligations to obedience.


described <03789> [as it is.]

it <04196> [altar.]

offered <05927> [and they offered.]



people <03478> [all Israel.]

priests <03548> [priests.]

resident foreigners <01616> [stranger.]

Moses <04872> [Moses.]


read <07121> [he read.]

blessings <01293> [blessings.]


commandment <01697> [was not.]

women <0802> [women.]

resident foreigners <01616> [strangers.]

lived <01980> [were. Heb. walked. conversant.]

The word conversant, from the Latin {conversor,} is here used in the classical sense of having intercourse with.


kings <04428> [all the kings.]

side <05676> [on this.]

Mediterranean <01419> [of the great.]

Lebanon <03844> [Lebanon.]

Hittites <02850> [Hittite.]


formed <06908> [gathered.]

<06310> [accord. Heb. mouth.]


Gibeon <01391> [Gibeon.]

Jericho <03405> [Jericho.]


did ... clever <06195 06213> [work wilily.]

provisions <06737> [ambassadors.]

The word {tzir,} an ambassador, properly denotes a hinge; because an ambassador is a person upon whom the business turns as upon a hinge. So the Latin {Cardinalis,} from {cardo,} a hinge, was the title of the prime minister of the emperor Theodosius, though now applied only to the Pope's electors and counsellors.

wineskins <04997 03196> [wine bottles.]

These bottles being made of skin, were consequently liable to be rent, and capable of being mended; which is done, according to Chardin, by putting in a piece, or by gathering up the wounded piece in the manner of a purse; and sometimes by inserting a flat piece of wood.


worn-out ... sandals ........ worn-out <05275 01087> [old shoes.]

patched <02921> [clouted.]

The word clouted signifies here patched, from the Anglo-Saxon {clut,} a clout or rag; and not nailed from the French {clou,} a nail.


camp <04264> [the camp.]

come <0935> [We be.]

Make ... treaty <03772 01285> [make ye.]

{Kirthoo lanoo berith,} "cut or divide with us a covenant," or rather the covenant sacrifice offered on these occasions. (See Note on De 29:12.)


Hivites <02340> [Hivites.]

make <03772> [how shall.]



very <03966> [From a.]

reputation <08034> [because.]

heard <08085> [we have.]


two ... kings ......... King ...... King <04428 08147> [two kings.]

Ashtaroth <06252> [Ashtaroth.]


leaders <02205> [our elders.]

Take <03947> [Take.]

<03027> [with you. Heb. in your hand.]

subjects <05650> [We are your.]


bread <03899> [our bread.]


men examined ..... provisions <03947 06718 0582> [the men took of their victuals. or, they received the men by reason of their victuals. asked not.]


made ... peace <06213 07965> [made peace.]

leaders <05387> [and the.]


found out <08085> [that they heard.]


Gibeon <01391> [Gibeon.]

Kiriath Jearim <07157> [Kirjath-jearim.]


sworn an oath <07650> [had sworn.]


swore an oath <07650> [We have.]


curse <07110> [lest wrath.]


live ..... woodcutters <02421 02404> [let them.]

leaders .................... leaders <05387> [as the princes.]


trick <07411> [Wherefore.]

<03966> [We are.]

live <03427> [ye dwell.]


condemned <0779> [cursed.]

This may refer to the original curse pronounced against the descendants of Canaan: both of them seem to have implied nothing else than perpetual slavery. The Gibeonites were brought, no doubt, under tribute; performed the meanest offices for the Israelites; being in the same condition as the servile class of Hindoos, called the {Chetrees;} had their national importance annihilated, and yet were never permitted to incorporate themselves with the Israelites.

[See on]

perpetual <03772> [none of you be freed. Heb. not be cut off from you. hewers.]

In the East, collecting wood for fuel, and carrying water, are the peculiar employment of females. The Arab women of Barbary, and the daughters of the Turcomans, are thus employed. Hence Mr. Harmer concludes, that the bitterness of the doom of the Gibeonites does not seem to have consisted in the labouriousness of the service enjoined them, but its disgracing them from the characteristic employment of men, that of bearing arms, and condemning them and their posterity for ever to the employment of females.


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

terrified <03966> [we were sore.]


power <02009 03027> [we are.]

<05869> [as it seemeth.]


day made .............................. day <05414 03117> [made them. Heb. gave, or delivered to be.]

[Nethinim. in the place.]



did <06213> [as he had.]

people <03427> [how the.]


terrified <03372> [they feared.]

Gibeon <01391> [Gibeon.]

Gibeon was situated on an eminence, as its name imports, 40 furlongs north from Jerusalem, according to Josephus.

city ...... royal cities <05892 04467> [the royal cities. Heb. cities of the kingdom.]


King .... Jerusalem ...... King ..... King ..... King ...... King <04428 03389> [king of Jerusalem.]

Hebron <02275> [Hebron.]

Hebron was situated on an eminence, 20 miles south of Jerusalem, and the same distance north of Beersheba. It is now called El Khalil, "the well-beloved," the usual epithet which the Turks and Arabs apply to Abraham, whose sepulchral cave they still shew; over which St. Helena built a magnificent church. Its original site was on an eminence, at the southern foot of which the present village is pleasantly situated, on which are the remains of an ancient castle, its sole defence.

Lachish <03923> [Lachish.]


aid <05826> [and help.]

attack <05221> [we may.]



camp <04264> [to the camp.]

abandon <07503> [Slack.]

subjects <05650> [from thy.]

hill country <02022> [mountains.]




night <03915> [all night.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Gibeon <01391> [at Gibeon.]

Beth Horon <01032> [Beth-horon.]

Azekah <05825> [Azekah.]

Makkedah <04719> [Makkedah.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


sun <08121> [Sun.]

Joshua doubtless acted, on this occasion, by an immediate impulse upon his mind from the Spirit of God. The terms here employed to record the miracle, agree with the accustomed manner in which the the motions of the earth and sun are described in our own day. The sun apparently moves, but really is stationary; while the diurnal movement of the earth on its axis is by us unnoticed, and would not have been known except by astronomical science. The sun appeared to the Israelites over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Ajalon, and there they stayed in their course for "a whole day." Many vain enquiries have been made concerning the way in which this miracle was wrought, and many difficulties and objections have been urged against understanding it literally. But the fact is authenticated by the Divine testimony; and the manner in which it was accomplished lies entirely out of our province, because beyond our comprehension.

still <01826> [stand thou. Heb. be silent.]

Aijalon <0357> [Ajalon.]



nation <01471> [until.]

Upright <03477> [Jasher. or, the upright.]

sun ............................. sun <08121> [So the sun.]


day <03117> [there was.]

Lord ....... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Lord ....... Lord <03068> [for the Lord.]



hid <02244> [and hid.]

cave <04631> [in a cave.]


This information brought to Joshua, is an evidence that there were those of the country, who knew the holes and fastnesses of it, that were in his interests. And the care Joshua took to secure them there, as it is an instance of his policy and presence of mind, even in the heat of action; so, in the success of their project, it shews how they who think to hide themselves from God, not only deceive, but destroy themselves. Their refuge of lies will but bind them over to God's judgment.



delay Chase <05975 07291> [stay ye.]

catch <02179> [smite. Heb. cut off the tail.]

allow .... retreat ........... handing ... over <05414 0935> [suffer them.]


<03615> [had made.]

fortified cities <05892 04013> [fenced cities.]


camp <04264> [to the camp.]

threaten <02782> [none.]


[See on ver.]



put ... feet ............. put ... feet <07760 07272> [put your feet.]


afraid .... panic <03372 02865> [Fear not.]

strong <02388> [be strong.]

Lord <03068> [thus shall.]


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

hung ......... hanging <08518> [hanged.]


take ... down <03381> [they took.]

remain ..... day <03117 06106> [until this very day.]


Makkedah <04719> [Makkedah.]

Situated, according to Eusebius, 8 miles east from Eleutheropolis. It was afterwards assigned to the tribe of Judah.

lived <05315> [them.]

did ........ done <06213> [and he did.]


Libnah <03841> [Libnah.]

This city was situated in the south of Judah, and in the district of Eleutheropolis, according to Eusebius and Jerome. It is probably the Libnah in the neighbourhood of which the Israelites encamped.

[as he did.]


Lachish <03923> [Lachish.]

Lachish was also situated in the south of Judah, seven miles south from Eleutheropolis, according to Eusebius and Jerome. It appears to have been anciently a very strong place; for though the people were panic struck, and the Israelites flushed with success, yet Joshua could not reduce it till the second day; and the king of Assyria afterwards was obliged to raise the siege.


Libnah <03841> [to Libnah.]


Gezer <01507> [Gezer.]

Gezer was situated on the confines of Ephraim and Manasseh, between Beth-horon and the sea; and is evidently the village of Gazara mentioned by Eusebius, four miles (north) from Nicopolis or Emmaus.


Eglon <05700> [Eglon.]

This town appears to have been no great distance from Lachish, with which it is mentioned, ch. 15:39, as one of the cities given to Judah.


day ............... day <03117> [on that day.]

annihilated <02763> [utterly.]


Hebron <02275> [Hebron.]


king <04428> [the king.]

From ver. 23, we learn that the king of Hebron was one of the five whom Joshua slew and hanged on five trees at Makkedah. This slaying of the king of Hebron, therefore, must either refer to what had already been done, or the Hebronites had set up another, whom Joshua now slew when he took the city.

done <06213> [according.]


Debir <01688> [Debir.]

Debir was situated in the south of the tribe of Judah, near Hebron. The expression of Joshua's returning to Debir, probably denotes, that having carried his conquests in the southern parts as far as Gaza, (ver. 41,) which was in the south-west angle of Canaan, he then marched back to besiege Debir.


who ....... survivors <07604 08300> [he left none.]


land <0776> [all the country.]

annihilated <02763> [utterly.]

Lord <03068> [as the Lord.]


Kadesh Barnea <06947> [Kadesh-barnea.]

Gaza <05804> [Gaza.]

region <0776> [all the country.]

The country of Goshen, mentioned here, seems to have been in the south of Judah; and to have taken its name from the city of Goshen, situated in the same tribe.

Gibeon <01391> [Gibeon.]


Lord <03068> [because.]


camp <04264> [unto the camp.]

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