John 1:1--3:36
beginning <746> [the beginning.]
Word .... Word ....... Word <3056> [the Word.]
with <4314> [with.]
Word .... Word ....... Word <2258 3056> [the Word was.]
[A.M. 1. B.C. 4004.]
him <846> [him.]
life .... life <2222> [the life.]
A man <444> [A.M. 3999. B.C. 5. a man.]
John <2491> [John.]
a witness <3141> [a witness.]
to ...... so that <2443> [that.]
light ......... light <5457> [that light.]
true <228> [the true.]
everyone <3956> [every.]
world and ... world ...... but ... world <2889 2532> [and the world was.]
See note on "Joh 1:3"
did ... recognize <1097> [knew.]
He came <2064> [came.]
but <2532> [and.]
who have received <2983> [received.]
him ... who believe ... his <846 4100> [to them.]
right <1849> [power. or, the right, or privilege. even.]
born <1080> [were.]
not <3756> [not.]
by .... or by ... desire or .... decision ... by <1537 3761 2307> [nor of the will of the.]
by .... or by ... desire or a husband's decision ... by <1537 3761 2307 435> [nor of the will of man.]
by ..... by ......... by God <1537 2316> [of God.]
Word <3056> [the Word.]
We saw <2300> [we.]
only <3439> [the only.]
full <4134> [full.]
testified <3140> [bare. A.M. 4030. A.D. 26. See on ver.]
<2258> [he was.]
gracious gift after another <2532 5485> [and grace.]
law <3551> [the law.]
grace <5485> [grace.]
has ... seen <3708> [seen.]
only one <3439> [the only.]
in closest fellowship <1519 2859> [in the.]
has made ... known <1565 1834> [he hath.]
when <3753> [when.]
Who <5101> [Who.]
you Elijah ........ you <1488 4771 2243> [Art thou Elias.]
you ......... you <1488 4771> [Art thou that. or, Art thou a.]
so ........... sent <2443 3992> [that.]
I .... voice <1473 5456> [I am.]
as ..... said <2531 2036> [as said.]
Why <5101> [Why.]
Christ <5547> [that Christ.]
I <1473> [I.]
whom <3739> [whom.]
<3739> [who.]
<3739> [whose.]
<962> [Bethabara.]
where <3699> [where.]
<2396> [Behold.]
<3588> [which.]
takes away <142> [taketh. or, beareth.]
I did ... recognize .... I <1492 1473 2504> [I knew.]
but <235> [but.]
<1223> [therefore.]
I saw <2300> [I saw.]
And I did ... recognize .................... you see <1492 2504> [I knew.]
one ........... this <1565 3778> [the same.]
this man <3778> [this.]
<2396> [Behold.]
When ......... they followed <2532 190> [and they.]
turned around <4762> [turned.]
What <5101> [What.]
Rabbi <4461> [Rabbi.]
where <4226> [where.]
are you staying <3306> [dwellest. or, abidest.]
Come ....... they came <2064> [Come.]
he was staying ... they stayed <3306> [abode.]
about <5613> [about.]
"That was two hours before night."
Andrew <406> [Andrew.]
<4413> [first.]
Messiah <3323> [the Messias.]
Christ <5547> [Christ. or, Anointed.]
You ........ You <4771 1488> [Thou art.]
son <5207> [the son.]
[Barjona. called.]
Peter <4074> [A stone. or, Peter.]
He found ... and <2532 2147> [and findeth.]
Philip <5376> [Philip.]
Bethsaida <966> [Bethsaida.]
Nathanael <3482> [Nathanael.]
one <3739> [of whom.]
[See on]
and ............... and ... prophets <2532 4396> [and the.]
[See more on]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
son <5207> [the son.]
Can <1410> [Can.]
<2396> [Behold.]
in <1722> [in.]
<5607> [when.]
Rabbi <4461> [Rabbi.]
you ....... you <4771> [thou.]
king <935> [the King.]
Because ..... that <3754> [Because.]
<3700> [thou shalt.]
solemn truth <281> [Verily.]
<737> [Hereafter.]
and ... angels ..... and <2532 32> [and the.]
Son <5207> [the Son.]
third <5154> [A.M. 4034. A.D. 30. the third.]
a wedding <1062> [a marriage.]
Cana <2580> [Cana.]
and ..... also <2532> [both.]
his <846> [his.]
wedding <1062> [the marriage.]
When .... ran out <5302> [they wanted.]
They have <2192> [They have.]
Woman <1135> [Woman.]
why <5101> [what.]
My <3450> [mine.]
<3748> [Whatsoever.]
<2596> [after.]
Fill ........ they filled ... up <1072> [Fill.]
draw ... out <501> [Draw.]
head steward <755> [the governor.]
water that had been turned ................. water <1161 5204 1096> [the water that.]
<1161> [but.]
and ................ when <2532 3752> [and when.]
You <4771> [but.]
first <746> [beginning.]
did <4160> [did.]
he revealed <5319> [manifested.]
his ... and his ..... him <2532 846> [and his.]
Capernaum <2584> [Capernaum.]
his ... and brothers and his ... and <2532 846 80> [and his brethren.]
feast of Passover <3957> [passover.]
drove .... out <1544> [he drove.]
Do ... make <4160> [make.]
my <3450> [my.]
Zeal <2205> [The zeal.]
What <5101> [What.]
since <3754> [seeing.]
Destroy <3089> [Destroy.]
I will raise ... up <1453> [I will.]
<1565> [he.]
temple <3485> [temple.]
his <846> [his.]
and they believed .... and <2532 4100> [and they.]
many people <4183> [many.]
would ... entrust <4100> [did.]
because <1223> [because.]
came .................. who has come <2064> [came.]
Rabbi <4461> [Rabbi.]
we know <1492> [we know.]
For <1063> [for.]
solemn truth <281> [Verily.]
<3362> [Except.]
from above <509> [again. or, from above.]
he cannot <1410> [he cannot.]
How <4459> [How.]
is born <1080> [born.]
of ... and spirit <1537 2532 4151> [and of.]
cannot <3756> [cannot.]
is born .... flesh ... flesh .... is born of <1537 4561 1080> [born of the flesh.]
is born ......... is born <1080> [that.]
Do ... be amazed <2296> [Marvel.]
You <5209> [Ye.]
from above <509> [again. or, from above.]
wind .................................... Spirit <4151> [wind.]
So <3779> [so.]
How <4459> [How.]
<1488> [Art.]
answered ........ and ... you ... understand <2532 1097> [and knowest.]
solemn truth <281> [verily.]
we speak <2980> [We speak.]
you ... do ... accept <2983> [ye.]
earthly things <1919> [earthly.]
heavenly things <2032> [heavenly.]
No one <3762> [no man.]
<1508> [but.]
Son <5207> [even.]
Just as <2531> [as.]
so <3779> [even.]
everyone <3956> [whosoever.]
<3363> [not.]
eternal <166> [eternal.]
God <2316> [God.]
He gave <1325> [gave.]
so that everyone <5620 2443 3956> [that whosoever.]
God <2316> [God.]
but <235> [but.]
is not condemned ...... not ... has been condemned ...... not <2919 3756 3361> [is not.]
believes ..... not ..... who does not believe ....... he has not believed <4100 3756 3361> [he that believeth not.]
this <3778> [this.]
because <1063> [because.]
everyone <3956> [every.]
will ... be exposed <1651> [reproved. or, discovered.]
who practices <4160> [he that.]
so that ........ his <2443 846 3754> [that his.]
<2076> [they are.]
this <5023> [these.]
and ........ and ........ and was baptizing <2532 907> [and baptized.]
near <1451> [near.]
plentiful <4183> [much.]
also ............ and ... were coming .... and <1161 2532 3854> [and they.]
concerning <4012> [about.]
who .............. whom <3739 2258> [he that.]
who .............. whom <3739> [to whom.]
So ...... and ............................ and everyone <2532 3956> [and all.]
one <444> [A man.]
receive <2983> [receive. or, take unto himself.]
from <1537> [from.]
said <2036> [I said.]
but rather <235> [but.]
has <2192> [hath.]
friend <5384> [the friend.]
This <3778> [this.]
must become more important <1163 837> [must increase.]
<1161> [but.]
who comes .......................... who comes <2064> [that cometh.]
superior ........................... superior <2076 1883> [is above.]
<5607> [he that is.]
who comes .......................... who comes <2064> [he that cometh.]
what <3739> [what.]
and ... but no one <2532 3762> [and no.]
has confirmed clearly <4972> [hath set.]
whom <3739> [he.]
For ..... God ........ God for <1063 2316> [for God.]
Father <3962> [Father.]
and <2532> [and.]
believes in ..................... on <1519 1909 4100> [that believeth on.]
will ... see <3700> [see.]
but <235> [but.]