1 Timothy 2:1--6:2
I urge <3870> [exhort. or, desire.]
First <4412> [first.]
requests <1162> [supplications.]
thanks <2169> [and.]
of all ................ all people <3956 444> [all men.]
kings <935> [kings.]
all ................ all <3956> [for all.]
authority <5247> [authority. or, eminent place. that.]
all ................ all godliness <3956 2150> [all godliness.]
Such prayer <5124> [this.]
God <2316> [God.]
he wants <2309> [will.]
and <2532> [and.]
a knowledge <1922> [the knowledge.]
one God ... one .... God <2316 1520> [one God.]
and ...... and <2532> [and.]
humanity ..... human <444> [the man.]
gave <1325> [gave.]
revealing <3142> [to be testified. or, a testimony.]
his <2398> [in.]
I was appointed <1473 5087> [I am.]
a preacher <2783> [a preacher.]
I am telling <3004> [I speak.]
a teacher <1320> [a teacher.]
in faith <1722 4102> [in faith.]
truth ............... truth <225> [verity.]
I want <1014> [I will.]
to pray <4336> [pray.]
lifting up <1869> [lifting.]
without <5565> [without.]
or <2532> [and.]
women <1135> [that.]
with modesty ......... with <3326 127 1722> [with shamefacedness.]
not <3361> [not.]
[broidered. or, plaited.]
for women <1135> [women.]
with <1223> [with.]
she will be delivered <4982> [she.]
through childbearing ..... in <1223 5042 1722> [in child-bearing.]
through ...... in faith <1223 1722 4102> [in faith.]
self-control <4997> [sobriety.]
trustworthy <4103> [is a.]
office of overseer <1984> [the office.]
office of overseer <1984> [bishop.]
he desires <1937> [desireth.]
overseer <1985> [bishop.]
above reproach <423> [blameless.]
husband <435> [the husband.]
temperate <3524> [vigilant.]
respectable <2887> [of good behaviour. or, modest. given.]
an able teacher <1317> [apt.]
not a drunkard not <3361 3943> [Not given to wine. or, Not ready to quarrel, and offer wrong, as one in wine.]
not .... not <3361> [no.]
not .... not <3361 146> [not greedy.]
<146> [filthy.]
gentle <1933> [patient.]
not contentious <269> [a brawler.]
free from the love of money <866> [not covetous.]
must manage <4291> [ruleth.]
without losing ... dignity <3326> [with.]
<1536> [if.]
church <1577> [the church.]
a recent convert <3504> [novice. or, one newly come to the faith.]
<3363> [lest.]
punishment <2917> [the condemnation.]
well <2570> [a good.]
outside <1855> [them.]
<3363> [lest.]
trap <3803> [the snare.]
Deacons <1249> [the deacons.]
dignified <4586> [be.]
two-faced <1351> [double-tongued.]
not ... not given to .... not <3361 4337> [not given.]
holding <2192> [Holding.]
mystery <3466> [the mystery.]
these ... must be tested <1381 3778> [let these.]
let them serve as deacons <1247> [use.]
<5607> [being.]
wives <1135> [their.]
dignified <4586> [be.]
not <3361> [not.]
temperate <3524> [sober.]
faithful <4103> [faithful.]
have served ... as deacons <1247> [they.]
have served ... as deacons <1247> [used. or, ministered.]
standing <898> [degree.]
great <4183> [great.]
hope <1679> [hoping.]
you know <1492> [know.]
household <3624> [the house.]
church <1577> [the church.]
living <2198> [the living.]
support <4769> [the pillar.]
bulwark <1477> [ground. or, stay. the truth.]
agree <3672> [without.]
amazing revelation <3466> [the mystery.]
<2316> [God.]
He was revealed <5319> [manifest. Gr. manifested.]
vindicated <1344> [justified.]
seen <3700> [seen.]
proclaimed <2784> [preached.]
believed on <4100> [believed.]
taken up <353> [received.]
Spirit ................... spirits <4151> [the Spirit.]
explicitly <4490> [expressly.]
later <5306> [the latter.]
will desert <868> [depart.]
with deceiving <4108> [seducing.]
and ... teachings <2532 1319> [and doctrines.]
of liars <5573> [lies.]
whose <2398> [their.]
will prohibit <2967> [Forbidding.]
require abstinence <567> [to abstain.]
that ............ believe <3739 4103> [which.]
with <3326> [with.]
believe <4103> [believe.]
every <3956> [every.]
and <2532> [and.]
it is sanctified <37> [it.]
word <3056> [the.]
pointing out <5294> [thou put.]
a good .................. good <2570> [a good.]
having nourished <1789> [nourished.]
a good .................. good teaching <1319 2570> [good doctrine.]
you have followed <3877> [thou hast.]
reject <3868> [refuse.]
train <1128> [exercise.]
physical <4984> [bodily.]
in <4314> [little. or, for a little time.]
godliness <2150> [godliness.]
holds <2192> [having.]
<1519> [therefore.]
because <3754> [because.]
living <2198> [the living.]
Savior <4990> [the saviour.]
especially <3122> [specially.]
no one <3367> [no.]
set <1096> [be thou.]
in ... speech <1722 3056> [in word.]
I come <2064> [I come.]
public reading of scripture <320> [to reading.]
exhortation <3874> [to exhortation.]
teaching <1319> [to doctrine.]
Do ... neglect <272> [Neglect.]
<3739> [which.]
when <3326> [with.]
be absorbed <3191> [Meditate.]
<2468> [give.]
so that <2443> [that.]
[to all. or, in all things.]
Be conscientious <1907> [Take.]
teach <1319> [unto the.]
Persevere <1961> [continue.]
you will save <4982> [thou shalt.]
address ..... harshly <1969> [Rebuke.]
an older man <4245> [an elder.]
appeal <3870> [intreat.]
as ........ as brothers <5613 80> [as brethren.]
older women <4245> [elder.]
with <1722> [with.]
Honor <5091> [Honour.]
widows .... truly in need <5503> [widows.]
truly in need <3689> [indeed.]
grandchildren <1549> [nephews.]
they should ... learn <3129> [learn.]
to fulfill ... duty <2151> [piety. or, kindness.]
repay <287> [to requite.]
<2570> [good.]
truly in need <5503> [a widow.]
and completely ........... and ...... and .... and <2532 3443> [and desolate.]
hope <1679> [trusteth.]
continues <4357> [continueth.]
lives for pleasure ....... lives <4684 2198> [she.]
lives for pleasure <4684> [in pleasure. or, delicately.]
is dead <2348> [dead.]
especially .......... and <2532 3122> [and specially.]
family <3609> [house. or, kindred.]
he has denied <720> [he hath.]
widow <5503> [a widow.]
should be put on the list <2639> [taken. or, chosen. under.]
was <1096> [having.]
has a reputation <3140> [reported.]
good ............................. good <2570 18> [good.]
has raised children <1487 5044> [if she have brought.]
practiced hospitality <1487 3580> [if she have lodged.]
washed <3538> [washed.]
helped <1487 1884> [if she have relieved.]
has exhibited <1487 1872> [if she have diligently.]
younger <3501> [the younger.]
passions may lead ... away <2691> [to wax.]
they will desire <2309> [they will.]
judgment <2917> [damnation.]
former <4413> [their.]
lazy ....... lazy <692> [to be.]
going around <4022> [wandering.]
busybodies <4021> [busy-bodies.]
talking <2980> [speaking.]
I want <1014> [I will.]
younger women <3501> [the younger.]
manage a household <3616> [guide.]
to give <1325> [give.]
vilify <5484 3059> [to speak reproachfully. Gr. for their railing.]
help ........... it may help <1884> [let them.]
widows ..................... widows .... truly in need <5503 3689> [widows indeed.]
Elders <4245> [the elders.]
provide ... leadership <4291> [rule.]
must be counted worthy <515> [be.]
of double <1362> [double.]
work hard <2872> [labour.]
speaking <3056> [word.]
scripture <1124> [the scripture.]
Do ... muzzle <5392> [Thou.]
worker <2040> [The labourer.]
Do ... accept <3858> [receive.]
<1909> [before. or, under. two.]
must be rebuked <1651> [rebuke.]
rest <2443 3062> [that others.]
I solemnly charge <1263> [charge.]
elect <1588> [the elect.]
<2443> [that.]
without prejudice <5565 4299> [without preferring. or, without prejudice.]
favoritism <4346> [partiality.]
Do ... lay ... on <2007> [Lay.]
hastily <5030> [suddenly.]
and so <3366> [neither.]
Keep <5083> [keep.]
good <2570> [the good.]
not <3756> [cannot.]
slaves <1401> [servants.]
must regard <2233> [count.]
believing ............................. believers <4103> [believing.]
must ... show ... less respect <2706> [let.]
because .... brothers .......... because <1526 80 3754> [because they are brethren.]
because ............. because <1526 3754> [because they are.]
believing ............................. believers <4103> [faithful. or, believing. partakers.]
these things <5023> [These.]