Romans 1:1--5:21
Paul <3972> [Paul.]
a slave <1401> [a servant.]
called <2822> [called.]
set apart <873> [separated.]
gospel <2098> [the gospel.]
<3739> [Which.]
through <1223> [by.]
holy <40> [the holy.]
<3588> [which.]
with reference to <2596> [according.]
was appointed <3724> [declared. Gr. determined. the Son.]
according to <2596> [according.]
we have received <2983> [we have.]
apostleship <651> [apostleship.]
to ..... obedience of faith ...... on behalf <1519 5218 4102 5228> [for obedience to the faith. or, to the obedience of faith.]
among <1722> [among.]
to ............ on behalf ... his name <1519 5228 846 3686> [for his name.]
You also <2075 5210 2532> [are ye also.]
called <2822> [the called.]
To all <3956> [To all.]
loved <27> [beloved.]
called <2822> [called.]
Grace <5485> [Grace.]
peace <1515> [peace.]
God .............. God <2316> [God.]
and ......... and ... Lord <2532 2962> [and the Lord.]
I thank <2168> [I thank.]
through <1223> [through.]
of you because your <3754 5216> [that your.]
whole <3650> [the whole.]
God <2316> [God.]
whom <3739> [whom.]
in .... by <1722> [with. or, in.]
gospel <2098> [the.]
that <5613> [that.]
I ... remember <4160> [I make.]
ask <1189> [request.]
I may succeed <2137> [a prosperous.]
according to ... will <1722 2307> [by the will.]
I long <1971> [I long.]
so that <2443> [that.]
to <1519> [to the.]
may be mutually comforted <4837> [that I may.]
that we ...... by <1722 5213> [with you. or, in you. by the mutual.]
that ... often ............ so that <3754 4178 2443> [that oftentimes.]
and ............. even <2532> [but.]
that .............. so that I may have <3754 2443 2192> [that I.]
among ........ among <1722> [among. or, in. even.]
a debtor <3781> [debtor.]
Greeks <1672> [Greeks.]
both .... Greeks ...... both .... wise <5037 1672 4680> [both to.]
foolish <453> [to the unwise.]
Thus <3779> [so.]
eager <4289> [I.]
I am ... ashamed <1870> [I am.]
gospel <2098> [the gospel.]
For ......... for <1063 2076> [for it is.]
to everyone <3956> [to every.]
Jew <2453> [to the Jew.]
For ........ in <1063 1722> [For therein.]
from faith ... faith ......... by faith <1537 4102> [from faith.]
righteous <1342> [The just.]
wrath <3709> [the wrath.]
ungodliness <763> [ungodliness.]
unrighteousness .......... unrighteousness <93> [unrighteousness.]
suppress <2722> [who hold.]
known <1110> [that which.]
[in them. or, to them. for God.]
For ......... invisible attributes <1063 517> [For the.]
since ... creation <575 2937> [from the.]
his .... his ..................... people <5037 846> [even his.]
divine <2305> [Godhead.]
his .... his ..................... people <1519 846 1511> [so that they are. or, that they may be.]
without excuse <379> [without.]
knew <1097> [when.]
they did ... glorify <1392> [they glorified.]
but they became futile <235 3154> [but became.]
their .... their senseless <846 801> [their foolish.]
exchanged <236> [changed.]
an image <1504> [an image.]
God <2316> [God.]
in ... desires ........... among <1722 1939> [through the lusts.]
to dishonor <818> [to dishonour.]
in ............. among <1722> [between.]
exchanged <3337> [changed.]
truth <225> [the truth.]
for a lie <1722 5579> [into a lie.]
creation <2937> [the creature.]
rather than <3844> [more. or, rather. who is.]
gave them over ...... their <3860 846> [gave them.]
dishonorable <819> [vile.]
[that recompense.]
just as they did ... see <1381 2531> [as they did.]
fit <2192> [retain. or, acknowledge. a reprobate mind. or, a mind void of judgment.]
not .................. should not be done <3756 3361 2520> [not convenient.]
are filled <4137> [filled.]
gossips <5588> [whisperers.]
slanderers <2637> [Backbiters.]
haters of God <2319> [haters.]
boastful <213> [boasters.]
contrivers <2182> [inventors.]
disobedient <545> [disobedient.]
senseless <801> [Without understanding.]
covenant-breakers <802> [covenant-breakers.]
heartless <794> [without natural affection. or, unsociable.]
fully know <1921> [knowing.]
deserve <514> [worthy.]
practice .............. approve ..... practice <4909 4238> [have pleasure in them. or, consent with them.]
Therefore <1352> [Therefore.]
<3956> [whosoever.]
judge .... For ..... you judge ...... because .... judge <1063 2919> [for thou that.]
judgment <2917> [judgment.]
do you think <3049> [thinkest.]
yourself that <3754 4771> [that thou shalt.]
you have contempt <2706> [despisest.]
wealth <4149> [riches.]
forbearance <463> [forbearance.]
kindness ............ kindness <5544 5543> [goodness.]
But because of <1161 2596> [But after.]
you are storing up <2343> [treasurest.]
day <2250> [the day.]
revealed <602> [revelation.]
perseverance <5281> [patient.]
glory <1391> [glory.]
immortality <861> [immortality.]
eternal <166> [eternal.]
in <1537> [contentious.]
and .......... and do not obey <2532 544> [and do not.]
but .................. but follow <1161 3982> [but obey.]
anger <2372> [indignation.]
affliction <2347> [Tribulation.]
everyone <5590> [soul.]
Jew <2453> [of the Jew.]
Greek <1672> [Gentile. Gr. Greek.]
glory <1391> [glory.]
and ... and peace ........... and also <2532 1515 5037> [and peace.]
for everyone <3956> [to every.]
Greek <1672> [Gentile. Gr. Greek.]
For <1063> [For.]
law ............... law <1722 3551> [in the law.]
For .... not <1063 3756> [For not.]
but .... do <235 4163> [but the.]
will be declared righteous <1344> [justified.]
<3588> [which.]
do ... nature <4160 5449> [do by.]
law .......... law ........ law ... a law <1526 3551> [are a law.]
written <1123> [written.]
[their conscience, etc. or, the conscience witnessing with them.]
accuse <2723> [the mean while. or, between themselves. accusing.]
God <2316> [God.]
through ... Jesus <1223 2424> [by Jesus.]
according to <2596> [according.]
you call <4771 2028> [thou art.]
rely <1879> [restest.]
boast <2744> [makest.]
know <1097> [knowest.]
[approves the things that are more excellent. or, triest the things that differ.]
instruction <2727> [being instructed.]
you are convinced <3982> [art confident.]
a light <5457> [a light.]
a teacher <1320> [a teacher.]
essential features <3446> [the form.]
therefore <3767> [therefore.]
stealing do you steal <2813> [dost thou steal.]
to commit adultery do you commit adultery <3431> [adultery.]
do you rob temples <2416> [sacrilege.]
You ... boast <2744> [that makest.]
name <3686> [the name.]
just as it is written <2531 1125> [as it is written.]
circumcision ................. circumcision <4061> [circumcision.]
if ...... but if <1437 1161> [but if.]
who keeps <5055> [if it fulfil.]
judge <2919> [judge.]
written code <1223 1121> [by the.]
nor <3761> [neither.]
by <1722> [which.]
circumcision <4061> [circumcision.]
Spirit <4151> [spirit.]
and <3739> [whose.]
advantage <4053> [advantage.]
many <4183> [Much.]
<3303> [because.]
were entrusted <4100> [committed.]
oracles <3051> [the oracles.]
If some <1487 5100> [if some.]
nullify <2673> [shall.]
faithfulness <4102> [faith.]
not <3361> [God forbid.]
and every <1161 3956> [but every.]
so that ............. you <3704 4571 302> [That thou.]
what shall we say <5101 2046> [what shall.]
of God ....... God <2316> [Is God.]
I am speaking <3004> [I speak.]
not <3361> [God forbid.]
otherwise <1893> [for then.]
if ...... truth <1487 225> [if the truth.]
why .... still <5101 2089> [why yet.]
<987> [we be.]
do <4160> [Let us.]
What then <5101 3767> [what then.]
Are we better off <4284> [are we.]
we have already charged <4256> [proved. Gr. charged.]
<1511> [that they.]
just as it is written <2531 1125> [As it is.]
<2076> [There.]
no one <3756> [none.]
no one who understands .... no one <3756 4920> [none that understandeth.]
who seeks <1567> [seeketh.]
have turned away ... they have become worthless <1578 889> [They are.]
they have become worthless <889> [become.]
no one ..... not <2076 3756> [there is none.]
throats <2995> [throat.]
Their ......... their ......... their <846> [with their.]
poison <2447> [the poison.]
whatever <3745> [what things.]
that ............... so that <3754 2443> [that.]
every ...... and ... whole <2532 3956> [and all the.]
held accountable to God <5267 2316> [guilty before God. or, subject to the judgment of God.]
For <1360> [Therefore.]
before him <846 1799> [in his sight.]
by ....... for through <1537 1063 1223> [for by the.]
righteousness <1343> [righteousness.]
which is attested <3140> [being.]
and ... prophets <2532 4396> [and the.]
through <1223> [which is.]
for all <1519 3956> [unto all.]
all have sinned <3956 264> [all have.]
fall short <5302> [come.]
glory ... God <1391 2316> [of.]
are justified <1344> [justified.]
through <1223> [through.]
publicly displayed <4388> [set forth. or, foreordained.]
mercy seat <2435> [to be.]
at ......... through ......... because <1223 1722> [through.]
to demonstrate <1519 1732> [to declare.]
passed over <3929> [remission. or, passing over.]
and <2532> [and.]
Where <4226> [Where.]
works <2041> [of works.]
By ....... but by <1223 235> [but by.]
Do we ... nullify <2673> [do we.]
not <3361> [God.]
[Me genoito,] literally, let it not be, and which might be rendered less objectionably, far from it, by no means.
Instead <235> [yea.]
What <5101> [what.]
Abraham <11> [Abraham.]
according <2596> [as pertaining.]
Abraham <11> [Abraham.]
he has <2192> [he hath.]
but <235> [but.]
what <5101> [what.]
Abraham <11> [Abraham.]
it was credited <3049> [counted.]
But ..... who does ... work but <1161 2038> [But to.]
believes <4100> [believeth.]
ungodly <765> [ungodly.]
his faith <846 4102> [his faith.]
blessedness <3108> [blessedness.]
credits <3049> [imputeth.]
apart from <5565> [without.]
<3739> [to whom.]
this <3778> [Cometh.]
For we say ....... as <1063 1519 3004> [for we.]
circumcised .......... not circumcised <1722 4061 3756> [not in circumcision.]
"Faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness," at least 14 years before he was circumcised; the former having taken place some time before Ishmael's birth, at which time he was 86 years old, and the other when Ishmael was 13 years of age, and Abraham 99.
sign <4592> [the sign.]
seal <4973> [a seal.]
righteousness .................................. righteousness <1343> [righteousness.]
father <3962> [father.]
righteousness .................................. righteousness <1519 1343> [that righteousness.]
not <3756> [to them.]
footsteps <2487> [in the steps.]
For ... promise ...... his .... he <1063 846 1860> [For the.]
his .... he ......... through ... law ... through ... righteousness <846 1223 3551 1343> [through the.]
through .... but through <1223 235> [but through.]
is empty ..... is nullified <2758 2673> [made.]
For <1063> [Because.]
where <3757> [where.]
by faith ...................................... faith <4102 1537> [of faith.]
promise <1860> [the promise.]
father <3962> [the father.]
I have made <5087> [I have.]
[before him. or, like unto him.]
makes .... alive <2227> [who quickeneth.]
summons <2564> [calleth.]
<3844> [against.]
Without <3361> [being.]
he considered <2657> [considered.]
He did ... waver <1252> [staggered.]
but was strengthened <1161 235 1743> [but was.]
was fully convinced <4135> [fully.]
able <2076 1415> [he was able.]
it was credited <3049> [it was imputed.]
for our sake <1223 2248> [for us.]
believe <4100> [if we.]
He was given over <3739 3860> [Who was.]
and was raised <2532 1453> [and was raised.]
have been declared righteous <1344> [being.]
we have <2192> [we have.]
through <1223> [through.]
through whom ............. which <1223 3739> [By whom.]
in <1722> [wherein.]
also ............. and we rejoice <2532 2744> [and rejoice.]
glory <1391> [the glory.]
but we ... rejoice <235 2744> [but we.]
knowing <1492> [knowing.]
endurance <5281> [patience.]
and ... character and character <1161 1382> [and experience.]
hope <1680> [hope.]
because <3754> [because.]
has been poured out <1632> [shed.]
helpless <772> [without.]
[in due time. or, according to the time.]
Christ <5547> [Christ.]
ungodly <765> [ungodly.]
rarely <3433> [scarcely.]
a good person <18> [a good.]
anyone ............. someone <5100> [some.]
demonstrates <4921> [commendeth.]
that <3754> [in that.]
have ... been declared righteous <1344> [being.]
we will be saved <4982> [we shall.]
<5607> [when.]
we were reconciled ............... have been reconciled <2644> [reconciled.]
will we be saved <4982> [we shall.]
but ... also <235 2532> [but we.]
through ...... through whom <1223 3739> [by whom.]
reconciliation <2643> [atonement. or, reconciliation.]
<891> [until.]
sin ...... but ...... for sin <266 1161> [but sin.]
death <2288> [death.]
even <2532> [even.]
who .... type <3739 2076 5179> [who is the figure.]
Or "type (pattern, or resemblance, [tupos <\\See definition 5179\\>,]) of him who was to come," i.e., THE MESSIAH. Mr. Baxter remarks, It is indeed interesting to compare, on Scripture authority, Adam as the root of sin and death to all, with CHRIST, who is to all true Christians the root of holiness and life.
But ...... not <235 3756> [But not.]
many ........... much ....................... many <4183> [many.]
many ........... much ....................... many <4183> [much.]
and ... gift <2532 1431> [and the gift.]
multiply <4052> [hath.]
For judgment <1063 2917> [for the.]
but ... gracious gift <1161 5486> [but the free.]
transgression .... one man .... through ... one ...................... through ... one <1520 3900 1223> [by one man's offence. or, by one offence. abundance.]
gift <1431> [gift.]
reigned ...................... reign <936> [shall reign.]
transgression <3900> [the offence. or, one offence. upon.]
righteous act <1345> [the righteousness. or, one righteousness.]
all people ................... all people <3956 444> [all men.]
just as through ...... one ......... through ..... one man <5618 1223 1520> [as by one.]
through ............ so ... through <1223 3779> [so by.]
law <3551> [the law.]
Now ............. where <1161> [But.]
so that <2443> [That.]
grace <5485> [grace.]
through ...... through <1223> [through.]
in .......... to <1722 1519> [unto.]