Romans 4:1--11:36
What <5101> [what.]
Abraham <11> [Abraham.]
according <2596> [as pertaining.]
Abraham <11> [Abraham.]
he has <2192> [he hath.]
but <235> [but.]
what <5101> [what.]
Abraham <11> [Abraham.]
it was credited <3049> [counted.]
But ..... who does ... work but <1161 2038> [But to.]
believes <4100> [believeth.]
ungodly <765> [ungodly.]
his faith <846 4102> [his faith.]
blessedness <3108> [blessedness.]
credits <3049> [imputeth.]
apart from <5565> [without.]
<3739> [to whom.]
this <3778> [Cometh.]
For we say ....... as <1063 1519 3004> [for we.]
circumcised .......... not circumcised <1722 4061 3756> [not in circumcision.]
"Faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness," at least 14 years before he was circumcised; the former having taken place some time before Ishmael's birth, at which time he was 86 years old, and the other when Ishmael was 13 years of age, and Abraham 99.
sign <4592> [the sign.]
seal <4973> [a seal.]
righteousness .................................. righteousness <1343> [righteousness.]
father <3962> [father.]
righteousness .................................. righteousness <1519 1343> [that righteousness.]
not <3756> [to them.]
footsteps <2487> [in the steps.]
For ... promise ...... his .... he <1063 846 1860> [For the.]
his .... he ......... through ... law ... through ... righteousness <846 1223 3551 1343> [through the.]
through .... but through <1223 235> [but through.]
is empty ..... is nullified <2758 2673> [made.]
For <1063> [Because.]
where <3757> [where.]
by faith ...................................... faith <4102 1537> [of faith.]
promise <1860> [the promise.]
father <3962> [the father.]
I have made <5087> [I have.]
[before him. or, like unto him.]
makes .... alive <2227> [who quickeneth.]
summons <2564> [calleth.]
<3844> [against.]
Without <3361> [being.]
he considered <2657> [considered.]
He did ... waver <1252> [staggered.]
but was strengthened <1161 235 1743> [but was.]
was fully convinced <4135> [fully.]
able <2076 1415> [he was able.]
it was credited <3049> [it was imputed.]
for our sake <1223 2248> [for us.]
believe <4100> [if we.]
He was given over <3739 3860> [Who was.]
and was raised <2532 1453> [and was raised.]
have been declared righteous <1344> [being.]
we have <2192> [we have.]
through <1223> [through.]
through whom ............. which <1223 3739> [By whom.]
in <1722> [wherein.]
also ............. and we rejoice <2532 2744> [and rejoice.]
glory <1391> [the glory.]
but we ... rejoice <235 2744> [but we.]
knowing <1492> [knowing.]
endurance <5281> [patience.]
and ... character and character <1161 1382> [and experience.]
hope <1680> [hope.]
because <3754> [because.]
has been poured out <1632> [shed.]
helpless <772> [without.]
[in due time. or, according to the time.]
Christ <5547> [Christ.]
ungodly <765> [ungodly.]
rarely <3433> [scarcely.]
a good person <18> [a good.]
anyone ............. someone <5100> [some.]
demonstrates <4921> [commendeth.]
that <3754> [in that.]
have ... been declared righteous <1344> [being.]
we will be saved <4982> [we shall.]
<5607> [when.]
we were reconciled ............... have been reconciled <2644> [reconciled.]
will we be saved <4982> [we shall.]
but ... also <235 2532> [but we.]
through ...... through whom <1223 3739> [by whom.]
reconciliation <2643> [atonement. or, reconciliation.]
<891> [until.]
sin ...... but ...... for sin <266 1161> [but sin.]
death <2288> [death.]
even <2532> [even.]
who .... type <3739 2076 5179> [who is the figure.]
Or "type (pattern, or resemblance, [tupos <\\See definition 5179\\>,]) of him who was to come," i.e., THE MESSIAH. Mr. Baxter remarks, It is indeed interesting to compare, on Scripture authority, Adam as the root of sin and death to all, with CHRIST, who is to all true Christians the root of holiness and life.
But ...... not <235 3756> [But not.]
many ........... much ....................... many <4183> [many.]
many ........... much ....................... many <4183> [much.]
and ... gift <2532 1431> [and the gift.]
multiply <4052> [hath.]
For judgment <1063 2917> [for the.]
but ... gracious gift <1161 5486> [but the free.]
transgression .... one man .... through ... one ...................... through ... one <1520 3900 1223> [by one man's offence. or, by one offence. abundance.]
gift <1431> [gift.]
reigned ...................... reign <936> [shall reign.]
transgression <3900> [the offence. or, one offence. upon.]
righteous act <1345> [the righteousness. or, one righteousness.]
all people ................... all people <3956 444> [all men.]
just as through ...... one ......... through ..... one man <5618 1223 1520> [as by one.]
through ............ so ... through <1223 3779> [so by.]
law <3551> [the law.]
Now ............. where <1161> [But.]
so that <2443> [That.]
grace <5485> [grace.]
through ...... through <1223> [through.]
in .......... to <1722 1519> [unto.]
What <5101> [What.]
shall we say ... Are we to remain <2046 1961> [Shall.]
not <3361> [God.]
How <4459> [How.]
can we ... died <599> [dead.]
live <2198> [live.]
do you not know <50> [Know.]
baptized ..... were baptized <907> [as were. or, as are.]
baptized ..... were baptized <907> [were.]
we have been buried <4916> [we are.]
in order that <2443> [that.]
through ................ through ... glory <1223 1391> [by the.]
so <3779> [even.]
For <1063> [For.]
united <4854> [planted.]
that our <3754 2257> [that our.]
that ......... so that ... body <3754 2443 4983> [that the.]
no longer <3371> [that henceforth.]
For ... who has died <1063 599> [For he.]
has been freed <1344> [freed. or, justified.]
<1161> [Now.]
we believe <4100> [we believe.]
Christ <5547> [Christ.]
death <2288> [death.]
he died he died to sin <599 266> [he died unto.]
he lives he lives to God <2198 2316> [he liveth unto.]
you ... consider <3049> [reckon.]
but <1161> [but.]
in <1722> [through.]
not .... reign <936 3361> [Let not.]
mortal <2349> [mortal.]
in .......... desires <1722 1939> [in the lusts.]
and ... not <3366> [Neither.]
instruments .......................... instruments <3696> [instruments. Gr. arms, or weapons.]
unrighteousness <93> [unrighteousness.]
present ............. but present <235 3936> [but yield.]
who are alive <2198> [alive.]
your ......................... and your <5216 2532> [and your.]
sin <266> [sin.]
For ......... because <1063 2075> [for ye.]
under .... under <5259> [under.]
What <5101> [What.]
Shall we sin <264> [shall we.]
Do you ... know <1492> [Know.]
<3739> [to whom.]
either of sin <2273 266> [whether of sin.]
But <1161> [But.]
that .............. pattern <3754 5179> [that.]
But ............. you obeyed <1161 5219> [but ye.]
pattern <5179> [that form.]
you were entrusted to <1519 3860> [which was delivered you. Gr. whereto ye were delivered.]
having been freed <1659> [made.]
you became enslaved <1402> [servants.]
I am speaking <3004> [I speak.]
because of <1223> [because.]
For just <1063 5618> [for as ye.]
lawlessness leading to ... lawlessness ........... leading to <1519 458> [unto iniquity.]
you ... presented ............... now present <3568 3936> [now yield.]
leading to ............. leading to sanctification <1519 38> [unto holiness.]
slaves <1401> [the servants.]
righteousness <1343> [from. Gr. to.]
what <5101> [What.]
that <3739> [whereof.]
For ... end <1063 5056> [for the.]
But now ..... and ............ and <1161 3570> [But now.]
enslaved <1402> [become.]
you have <2192> [ye have.]
But ...... and ............ and ... end <1161 5056> [and the end.]
For ... payoff <1063 3800> [For the wages.]
but ... gift <1161 5486> [but the.]
do you not know ........... who know <50 1097> [Know.]
brothers and sisters <80> [brethren.]
who know <1097> [them that.]
law .... law <3551> [the law.]
a person <444> [a man.]
Or, person, either man or woman; [anthropos <\\See definition 444\\>] and {homo} having this extent of signification.
woman <1135> [the woman.]
Rather, a woman. The apostle here illustrates the position laid down in the preceding verse by a familiar instance.
<686> [So then.]
you also ............. you <5210 2532 5209> [ye also.]
body <4983> [the body.]
you ............ so that you ................ to <5210 1519 5209 2443> [that ye.]
so that ................. to bear fruit <1519 2443 2592> [that we.]
in ... flesh ........... in <1722 4561> [in the flesh.]
aroused <3804> [motions. Gr. passions.]
<3588> [which.]
were active <1754> [did work.]
members <3196> [members.]
to <1519> [bring.]
But <1161> [But.]
died <599> [that being dead. or, being dead to that.]
may serve <1398> [serve.]
What <5101> [What.]
law ............... law ..................... law <3551> [is the law.]
have known <1097 1492> [I had.]
desire <1939> [lust. or, concupiscence.]
Do ... covet <1937> [Thou shalt.]
sin ..................... sin <266> [sin.]
produced <2716> [wrought.]
For apart from <1063 5565> [For without, etc.]
Rather, "For without a law sin is dead." Where there is no law, there is no transgression; for sin is the transgression of the law: the very essence of sin consists in the violation of some positive law.
And I ......... but <1161 1473> [For I.]
apart from <5565> [without.]
And .......... but <1161> [but.]
sin <266> [sin.]
And I ......... but <1473 1161 599> [and I died.]
sin <266> [sin.]
deceived <1818> [deceived.]
law <3551> [the law.]
commandment <1785> [the commandment.]
then <3767> [then.]
But sin .......... sin ............... sin <235 266> [But sin.]
law <3551> [the law.]
<1161> [but.]
<4559> [carnal.]
sold <4097> [sold.]
For ......... For ...... what ....... what <1063 5124 3739> [For that.]
I ... understand <1097> [allow. or, know.]
what ....... what <3739> [what.]
what ....... what I hate <3739 3404> [what I hate.]
I agree <4852> [I consent.]
no longer <3765> [it is no more.]
sin <266> [sin.]
that ..... in me .... in <3754 1722 1698> [that in me.]
in ..... in my <1722 3450> [in my.]
For ............... For ... want <1063 2309> [for to will.]
<2089> [it is no.]
law <3551> [a law.]
evil <2556> [evil.]
I delight <4913> [I delight.]
inner <2080> [inward.]
a different <2087> [another.]
and <2532> [and.]
Wretched <5005> [wretched.]
Who <5101> [who.]
this body <4983 5127> [the body of this. or, this body of.]
God ............... God <2316 2168> [thank God.]
So <686> [So then.]
no <3762> [no.]
in <1722> [in.]
<4043> [who.]
For <1063> [For.]
Spirit <4151> [Spirit.]
has set ... free <1659> [hath.]
from <575> [from.]
For ...... law ........................ concerning <1063 4012 3551> [For what.]
God <2316> [God.]
flesh ....... in ... likeness .... flesh ........ in ... flesh <1722 3667 4561> [in the.]
[for sin. or, by a sacrifice for sin.]
he condemned <2632> [condemned.]
so that <2443> [That.]
who do ... walk <4043> [who.]
shaped <5426> [mind.]
Spirit ........... Spirit <4151> [of the Spirit.]
outlook .... flesh ...... outlook <5427 4561> [to be carnally minded. Gr. the minding of the flesh. So.]
outlook ......... outlook .... Spirit <5427 4151> [to be spiritually minded. Gr. the minding of the Spirit.]
outlook .... flesh <4561 5427> [the carnal mind. Gr. the minding of the flesh.]
for it does ... submit <1063 5293> [for it.]
nor <3761> [neither.]
<5607> [they that.]
please <700> [please.]
You however ....... but <1161 5210 235> [But ye.]
indeed <1512> [if so be.]
Spirit ..... Spirit .............. Spirit <4151> [the Spirit.]
if Christ <1487 5547> [if Christ.]
body <4983> [the body.]
But .............. but <1161> [but.]
life <2222> [life.]
raised ............ raised <1453> [him.]
raised ............ raised <1453> [he that raised.]
mortal <2349> [mortal.]
Spirit ............................. through his Spirit <1223 846 4151> [by his Spirit. or, because of his Spirit. dwelleth.]
<2070> [we are.]
you live ....................... you will live <2198> [ye live.]
if ........... but if <1487 1161> [but if.]
Spirit <4151> [through.]
are led <71> [led.]
spirit ............ Spirit <4151> [the spirit.]
spirit ............ Spirit <4151> [the Spirit.]
Abba <5> [Abba.]
Spirit ....... spirit <4151> [Spirit.]
our <2257> [with our.]
if children <1487 5043> [if children.]
heirs ... heirs <2818 3303> [heirs of.]
indeed <1512> [if so be.]
I consider <3049> [I reckon.]
glory <1391> [the glory.]
eagerly <603> [the earnest.]
eagerly <603> [expectation.]
revelation <602> [the manifestation.]
creation <2937> [the creature.]
that <3754> [Because.]
into ... glorious <1519 1391> [into the glorious.]
whole <3956> [the, etc. or, every creature.]
groans <4959> [groaneth.]
who have <2192> [which have.]
we ... also <2532 2249> [even we.]
await <553> [waiting.]
redemption <629> [the redemption.]
we were saved <4982> [saved.]
in hope ...... hope ....... hope <1161 1680> [but hope.]
with endurance <1223 5281> [with patience.]
weakness <769> [infirmities.]
for we do ... know <1161 1063 5228 1492> [for we.]
but <235> [but.]
groanings <4726> [with.]
And .... searches <1161 2045> [And he.]
knows <1492> [knoweth.]
because <3754> [because. or, that. he maketh.]
according to <2596> [according.]
we know <1492> [we know.]
called <2822> [the called.]
whom <3739> [whom.]
he also predestined ......... his .... his Son <4309 2532 846> [he also.]
conformed <4832> [to be.]
he ... predestined ......... his .... his Son <4309 1519 846> [that he might.]
And <1161> [Moreover.]
he ... called .... he called <2564> [he called.]
he ... justified .... he justified <1344> [he justified.]
What <5101> [What.]
If <1487> [If.]
<3739> [that.]
gave ... up <3860> [delivered.]
how <4459> [how.]
Who <5101> [Who.]
God's ..... God <2316> [of God's.]
God's ..... God <2316> [It is.]
Who ..................... who .......... who <5101 3739> [Who.]
Christ <5547> [It is Christ.]
Who ..................... who ......... and who <5101 3739 2076 2532> [who is even.]
Who ..................... who ......... and who <5101 3739 2532> [who also.]
will separate <5563> [shall separate.]
trouble <2347> [shall tribulation.]
your <4675> [For thy.]
As ................. as sheep <2531 5613 4263> [as sheep.]
No <235> [Nay.]
loved <25> [him.]
For I am convinced <1063 3982> [For I.]
that <3754> [that.]
neither ... nor ... nor ... nor .... nor ...... nor ..... nor <3777> [nor.]
nor ... nor ... nor <3777> [Nor.]
height <5313> [height.]
depth <899> [depth.]
will be able <1410> [shall be.]
love <26> [love.]
I am telling <3004> [I say.]
my conscience <3450 4893> [my conscience.]
I ... wish <1473 2172> [I could.]
<1511> [were.]
accursed <331> [accursed. or, separated. my kinsmen.]
Israelites <1526 2475> [are Israelites.]
adoption as sons <5206> [the adoption.]
glory ............ and <2532 1391> [and the glory.]
covenants <1242> [covenants. or, testaments.]
giving of the law <3548> [the giving.]
worship <2999> [the service.]
promises <1860> [promises.]
patriarchs <3962> [are the fathers.]
from them <1537 3739> [of whom.]
blessed <2128> [blessed.]
Amen <281> [Amen.]
as though <3634 1161> [as though.]
not ........... not <3756> [they are not.]
<3754> [because.]
through Isaac <1722 2464> [In Isaac.]
children ........ children ...... children <5043> [They which.]
are counted <3049> [are counted.]
this ....... About a year from now <3778 2596 5126 2540> [At this time.]
Not only <3756 3440> [not only.]
but ... Rebekah <235 4479> [but when.]
were born <1080> [the children.]
so .... purpose <2443 4286> [that the.]
in <2596> [according.]
not by works ... by <3756 1537 2041> [not of works.]
by ... but by <1537 235> [but of.]
older <3187> [The elder. or, The greater.]
younger <1640> [younger. or, lesser.]
Jacob <2384> [Jacob.]
I hated <3404> [hated.]
shall we say <2046> [shall.]
injustice <93> [Is there unrighteousness.]
I will have mercy .... I have mercy ... I will have compassion .... I have compassion <1653 3627> [I will have.]
For ....... For <1063 3754> [For.]
For <3754> [Even.]
I have raised ... up <1825> [I raised.]
that .......... that <3704> [that.]
that ..... my ...... that my <3704 3450> [that my.]
has mercy <1653> [hath.]
he chooses ...... he hardens ... he chooses <2309 4645> [will he.]
You will say <2046> [Thou.]
Why .... still ..... who <5101 2089> [Why doth.]
mere human being <5599 444> [O man.]
who ...................... Why <5101 1488> [who art.]
talk back <470> [repliest. or, answerest again.]
[or, disputes with God?]
say <2046> [Shall.]
potter <2763> [the potter.]
one vessel <4632> [one vessel.]
willing <2309> [willing.]
has endured <5342> [endured.]
objects <4632> [the vessels.]
The Apostle, by employing the appellation of the vessels of wrath, carries on the similitude of the potter, by which he had illustrated the sovereignty of God.
prepared <2675> [fitted. or, made up.]
to make known <1107> [might.]
he has prepared beforehand <4282> [he had afore.]
whom <3739> [whom.]
whom ..... not ... from ... Jews .... from <3739 3756 1537 2453> [not of the Jews.]
in Hosea <1722 5617> [in Osee.]
[Hosea. I will call.]
unloved ... beloved <25> [beloved.]
there they will be called <1563 2564> [there shall.]
Isaiah <2268> [Esaias.]
[Isaiah. though.]
remnant <2640> [a remnant.]
sentence <3056> [work. or, account. and cut.]
<1722 1343> [in righteousness.]
<1508> [Except.]
of armies <4519> [Sabaoth.]
would <302> [we had been.]
[Sodom, Gomorrah.]
shall we say <2046> [shall.]
Gentiles <1484> [the Gentiles.]
did ... pursue <1377> [followed.]
righteousness ....... righteousness <1161 1343> [even the righteousness.]
pursuing <1377> [followed.]
did ... attain <5348> [hath.]
Because <3754> [Because.]
They stumbled over <4350> [they stumbled.]
Look <2400> [Behold.]
and <2532 3956> [and whosoever.]
will ... be put to shame <2617> [ashamed. or, confounded.]
my heart's <1699 2588> [my heart's.]
I can testify <3140 846> [I bear them.]
By this fine apology for the Jews, the Apostle prepares them for the harsher truths which he was about to deliver.
that they are <3754 2192> [that they.]
but ..... not <235 3756> [but not.]
righteousness ..... God ......... righteousness ....... God's <1343 2316> [God's righteousness.]
"God's method of justification," says Abp. Newcome: God's method of saving sinners.
to establish <2476> [to establish.]
they did ... submit <5293> [submitted.]
Christ <5547> [Christ.]
end <5056> [the end.]
[Telos <\\See definition 5056\\>,] the object, scope, or final cause; the end proposed and intended. In this sense Eisner observes that [telos <\\See definition 5056\\>] is used by Arrian.
one <3754 444> [That the man.]
righteousness <1343> [righteousness.]
Do not say <2036 3361> [Say not.]
The Apostle here takes the general sentiment, and expresses it in his own language; beautifully accommodating what Moses says of the law to his present purpose.
down <2609> [to bring.]
to bring ... up <321> [to bring up.]
word ............... word <4487> [The word.]
word ............... word ... faith <4487 4102> [the word of faith.]
because if ....... that .......... that <3754 1437> [That if.]
and believe <2532 4100> [and shalt.]
For .... heart <1063 2588> [For with.]
has righteousness <1519 1343> [unto righteousness.]
and .... mouth <1161 4750> [and with.]
Everyone <3956> [Whosoever.]
Lord <2962> [Lord.]
same ............ call on him <846 1941> [call upon him.]
who <3739> [whosoever.]
are they to call on ... they have ... believed in .... are they to believe in ... they have ... heard of .... are they to hear <1941 4100 191> [shall they.]
How ............. And how ............. And how <4459 1161> [and how shall.]
And how <1161 4459 5613> [And how.]
how ............... timely <4459 5613 5611> [How beautiful.]
proclaim the good news <2097> [the gospel.]
proclaim the good news <2097> [and bring.]
But .... have obeyed <235 5219> [But they.]
have obeyed <5219> [obeyed.]
Lord <2962> [Lord.]
[our report. Gr. the hearing of us, or, our preaching.]
faith <4102> [faith.]
heard ..... heard <189 1161> [and hearing.]
have they ... heard <191 3378> [Have they.]
Their voice .......... their <846 5353> [their sound.]
Similar to this elegant accommodation of these words, is the application of them in a passage of Zohar, Genes. f. 9. "These words are the servants of the Messiah, and measure out both the things above, and the things beneath."
to ........ to ... ends <1519 4009> [unto the ends.]
I ask ....... says <3004> [I say.]
First <4413> [First.]
a senseless <801> [foolish.]
bold enough <662> [very bold.]
I was found <2147> [I was found.]
I became <1096> [I was made.]
All day <3650 2250> [All day long.]
disobedient <544> [a disobedient.]
God has not rejected <683 2316> [Hath God.]
not <3361> [God forbid.]
For I <1063 1473 2532> [For I also.]
whom he foreknew <3739 4267> [which he foreknew.]
Do you ... know <1492> [Wot.]
about Elijah <1722 2243> [of Elias? Gr. in Elias?]
Or, by Elias; [en <\\See definition 1722\\>,] corresponding to the Hebrew [bet,] not infrequently having this signification.
how he pleads <5613 1793> [how he maketh.]
Or "how he addresses God respecting Israel;" [kata <\\See definition 2596\\>] having frequently this meaning. (See 1 Co 15:15.)
Lord <2962> [Lord.]
they have demolished <2679> [digged.]
I have kept <2641> [I have reserved.]
Baal <896> [Baal.]
at ... present <1722 3568> [at this present.]
chosen ... grace <5485 1589> [election of grace.]
The election which proceeds from the mercy and goodness of God.
works otherwise <1893 2041> [otherwise work.]
That is, it loses its character, or nature,--that of claiming reward as a matter of right.
What then <5101 3767> [What then?]
Israel <2474> [Israel.]
but ... elect <1161 1589> [but the election.]
That is, the elect, the abstract being used for the concrete. So the Jews or the circumcised people, are called Israel, or the circumcision.
but ....... rest <1161 3062> [and the rest.]
were hardened <4456> [blinded. or, hardened.]
God <2316> [God.]
of stupor <2659> [slumber. or, remorse. eyes.]
to this very day <2193 4594 2250> [unto this day.]
David says <1138 3004> [David saith.]
their table ............. for them <846 5132> [their table.]
<1519> [a recompence.]
their eyes ............ their <846 3788> [their eyes.]
and ..... bend <2532 4781> [and bow.]
they did ... stumble <4417> [Have they stumbled.]
But ... their ........... Israel <235 846> [but rather.]
to <1519> [for.]
their ......... to make Israel jealous <3863 846 1519> [to provoke them to jealousy.]
Rather "to provoke (or excite) them to emulation," [parazeloo <\\See definition 3863\\>,] as it is rendered.
world <2889> [the world.]
defeat <2275> [diminishing. decay, or, loss. their.]
an apostle <652> [the apostle.]
I magnify mine office. Rather, "I honour my ministry," [diakonia <\\See definition 1248\\> mou <\\See definition 3450\\> doxazo <\\See definition 1392\\>.]
<1513> [by.]
I could provoke .... to jealousy <3863> [provoke.]
my <3450> [my.]
save <4982> [might.]
rejection <580> [the casting.]
reconciliation <2643> [the reconciling.]
<1508> [but.]
If ... first portion of the dough offered ........... if <1487 536> [if the first-fruit.]
If ........... then ....... and if ....... too <1487 2532> [and if.]
<1536> [some.]
<5607> [being.]
[among them. or, for them. and with.]
do not boast over ...... you boast ...... not <2620 3361 3756> [Boast not.]
you .... support <4771 941> [thou bearest.]
so that <2443> [that.]
Granted <2573> [Well.]
unbelief <570> [because.]
<1161> [and.]
<5309> [Be.]
but <235> [but.]
therefore <3767> [therefore.]
harshness .... harshness <663> [severity.]
The term severity [apotomia <\\See definition 663\\>,] from [apo <\\See definition 575\\>,] from, and [temno,] to cut off, properly denotes excision, cutting off, as the gardener cuts off, with a pruning knife, dead boughs, or luxuriant stems.
you continue ...... you <1437 4771 1961> [if thou.]
otherwise <1893> [otherwise.]
I do ... want <2309> [I would.]
this <5124> [this.]
<3363> [lest.]
hardening <4457> [blindness. or, hardness.]
until <891> [until.]
all <3956> [all.]
will come out <2240> [There.]
And ................... he will remove <2532 654> [and shall.]
this <3778> [this.]
when <3752> [when.]
enemies <2190> [are enemies.]
but <1161> [but.]
dearly loved <27> [are beloved.]
Just as you <5618 5210> [as ye.]
were ... disobedient <544> [believed. or, obeyed. obtained.]
their <5130> [through.]
have ... been disobedient <544> [believed. or, obeyed.]
God <2316> [God.]
has consigned all people ........... them all <3956 4788> [concluded them all. or, shut them all up together.]
depth <899> [the depth.]
riches <4149> [riches.]
<5613> [how.]
from him .... him .... him ..... To him <1537 846> [of him.]
him .... him .... him ..... To him <846> [to whom. Gr. to him.]