Matthew 14:1--28:20
Herod <2264> [Herod.]
This was Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, by Malthace, and tetrarch of Galilee and Per‘a, which produced a revenue of 200 talents a year. He married the daughter of Aretas, king of Arabia, whom he divorced in order to marry Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, who was still living. Aretas, to revenge the affront which Herod had offered his daughter, declared war against him, and vanquished him after an obstinate engagement. This defeat, Josephus assures us, the Jews considered as a punishment for the death of John the Baptist. Having gone to Rome to solicit the title of king, he was accused by Agrippa of carrying on a correspondence with Artabanus king of Parthia, against the Romans, and was banished by the emperor Caius to Lyons, and thence to Spain, where he and Herodias died in exile.
tetrarch <5076> [Tetrarch.]
This <3778> [This.]
his ..................... are at work in him <1754 1722 846> [do shew forth themselves in him. or, are wrought by him.]
Herod <2264> [Herod.]
This infamous woman was the daughter of Aristobulus and Bernice, and granddaughter of Herod the Great.
his <846> [his.]
Philip's <5376> [Philip's.]
Herod Philip, son of Herod the Great and Mariamne.
wanted <2309> [when.]
because <3754> [because.]
birthday <1077> [birth-day.]
daughter <2364> [the daughter.]
danced <3738> [danced.]
before <1722> [before them. Gr. in the midst.]
Instructed <4264> [being.]
Give <1325> [Give.]
a platter <4094> [a charger.]
king <935> [the king.]
grieved <3076> [sorry.]
oath <3727> [the oath's.]
beheaded <607> [and beheaded.]
prison <5438> [the prison.]
Josephus informs us that John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded by Herod in the strong castle of Machaerus, which he describes as situated about 60 stadia east of Jordan, not far from where the river discharges itself into the Dead Sea.
and given ..... and <2532 1325> [and given.]
took <142> [took.]
and he had compassion .... and <2532 4697> [and was.]
to him <846> [his.]
Send .... away <630> [send.]
need <5532> [they.]
he instructed <2753> [he commanded.]
looking up <308> [looking.]
he gave thanks <2127> [he blessed.]
were satisfied <5526> [were.]
and .... and they picked up <2532 142> [and they took.]
about <5616> [about.]
<2424> [Jesus.]
while <2193> [while.]
he went up <305> [he went.]
<2258> [he was.]
beating <928> [tossed.]
was ending <5438 5067> [the fourth watch.]
The Jews at this time divided the night into four watches; the first was from six o'clock in the evening till nine, the second from nine to twelve, the third from twelve till three, and the fourth from three till six; so that it probably began to be daylight before our Lord came to his disciples.
walking <4043> [walking.]
This suspension of the laws of gravitation was a proper manifestation of omnipotence.
they were terrified <5015> [they were.]
Have courage ..... Do ... be afraid <2293 5399> [Be.]
I <1510> [it.]
order <2753> [bid.]
walked <4043> [he walked.]
when ... saw <991> [when.]
<2478> [boisterous. or, strong. Lord.]
reached out <1614> [stretched.]
caught <1949> [and caught.]
You of little faith <3640> [O thou.]
<1684> [come.]
worshiped <4352> [worshipped.]
Truly ...... of God <230 2316> [Of.]
After ... had crossed over <1276> [when.]
land ... Gennesaret <1093 1082> [the land of Gennesaret.]
Gennesaret was a fertile district, in which were situated the cities of Tiberias and Capernaum, extending along the western shore of the lake to which it gave name, about 30 stadia, or nearly four miles, in length, and twenty stadia, or two miles and a half, in breadth, according to Josephus.
only <3440> [only.]
edge <2899> [hem.]
were healed <1295> [perfectly.]
came <4334> [came.]
experts in the law <1122> [scribes.]
from <575> [which.]
do .... disobey <3845> [transgress.]
tradition <3862> [tradition.]
Tradition, in Latin {traditio,} from {trado,} I deliver, hand down, exactly agreeing with the original [paradosis <\\See definition 3862\\>,] from [paradidomi <\\See definition 3860\\>,] I deliver, transmit. Among the Jews it signifies what is called oral law, which they say has been successively handed down from Moses, through every generation, to Judah the Holy, who compiled and digested it into the Mishneh, to explain which the two Gemaras, or Talmuds, called the Jerusalem and Babylonish, were composed. Of the estimation in which these were held by the Jews, the following may serve as an example: "The words of the Scribes are lovely beyond the words of the law, for the words of the law are weighty and light, but the words of the Scribes are all weighty."
<1302> [Why.]
God <2316> [God.]
Honor <5091> [Honour.]
insults <2551> [He.]
given to God <1435> [It is.]
<5091> [honour.]
<2532> [Thus.]
Hypocrites <5273> [hypocrites.]
correctly <2573> [well.]
<1448> [draweth.]
but <1161> [but.]
in vain <3155> [in.]
teaching <1321> [teaching.]
called <4341> [he.]
Listen <191> [Hear.]
is .... goes <1525> [that which goeth.]
it is what <235> [but.]
Do you know <1492> [Knowest.]
Every <3956> [Every.]
Leave <863> [Let.]
<1526> [they.]
Explain <5419> [Declare.]
that <3754> [that.]
and ... passes out <2532 1544> [and is.]
out <1537> [out.]
evil <4190> [evil.]
<3588> [which.]
<1161> [but.]
went <402> [and departed.]
of Tyre <5184> [Tyre.]
woman <1135> [a woman.]
Have mercy <1653> [Have.]
Son <5207> [son.]
My <3450> [my.]
Send ... away <630> [Send.]
I was sent <649 3756> [I am not.]
came <2064> [came.]
bowed down <4352> [worshipped.]
Lord <2962> [Lord.]
dogs <2952> [dogs.]
[Tois kunarion <\\See definition 2952\\>,] "to the little dogs," lap dogs, etc., the diminutive of [kuon <\\See definition 2965\\>,] a dog. The Jews, while they boasted of being the children of God, gave the name of dogs to the heathen, for their idolatry, etc.
Yes <3483> [Truth.]
but <2532> [yet.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
Our Lord's purpose being now answered, he openly commended her faith, and assured her that her daughter was healed.
great <3173> [great.]
be done <1096> [be it.]
went <2064> [and came.]
along <3844> [unto.]
[lake of Gennesaret.]
went up <305> [went.]
large ............... many <4183> [great.]
mute <2974> [the dumb.]
<2948> [the maimed.]
lame <5560> [the lame.]
and ..... and they praised <2532 1392> [and they.]
God <2316> [God.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
I have compassion <4697> [I have.]
three <5140> [three.]
and they have <2532 2192> [and have.]
since <3379> [lest.]
Where <4159> [Whence.]
to satisfy <5526> [to fill.]
How many <4214> [How.]
a few <3641> [few.]
to sit down <377> [to sit.]
after giving thanks <2168> [and gave thanks.]
all <3956> [all.]
seven <2033> [seven.]
After sending away <630> [he sent.]
Pharisees <5330> [Pharisees.]
Sadducees <4523> [Sadducees.]
to test <3985> [tempting.]
a sign <4592> [a sign.]
comes <1096> [When.]
<5273> [O ye.]
signs <4592> [the signs.]
A wicked <4190> [wicked.]
<1508> [but.]
and ........ but .............. Then ... left <2532 2641> [And he.]
Watch out <3708> [Take.]
yeast <2219> [the leaven.]
Pharisees <5330> [the Pharisees.]
they began to discuss <1260> [they.]
because <3754> [It is.]
When <1161> [when.]
have such little faith <3640> [O ye.]
Do you still not understand <3539 3768> [ye not.]
five loaves <4002 740> [the five loaves.]
but <235> [but.]
came <2064> [came.]
of Caesarea Philippi <5376 2542> [Caesarea Philippi.]
C‘sarea Philippi was anciently called Paneas, from the mountain of Panium, or Hermon, at the foot of which it was situated, near the springs of Jordan; but Philip the tetrarch, the son of Herod the Great, having rebuilt it, gave it the name of C‘sarea in honour of Tiberius, the reigning emperor, and he added his own name to it, to distinguish it from another C‘sarea on the coast of the Mediterranean. It was afterwards named Neronias by the young Agrippa, in honour of Nero; and in the time of William of Tyre, it was called Belinas. It was, according to Josephus, a day's journey from Sidon, and 120 stadia from the lake of Phiala; and, according to Abulfeda, a journey of a day and a half from Damascus. Many have confounded it with Dan, or Leshem; but Eusebius and Jerome expressly affirm that Dan was four miles from Paneas, on the road to Tyre. It is now called Banias, and is described, by Seetzen, as a hamlet of about twenty miserable huts, inhabited by Mohammedans; but Burckhardt says it contains about 150 houses, inhabited by Turks, Greeks, etc.
Who <5101> [Whom.]
John <2491> [John.]
Elijah <2243> [Elias.]
But <1161> [But.]
You <4771> [Thou.]
living <2198> [the living.]
blessed <3107> [Blessed.]
Simon <4613> [Simon.]
because <3754> [for.]
but <235> [but.]
you <4771> [thou.]
on <1909> [upon.]
I will build <3618> [I will.]
my <3450> [my.]
and .......... and ... gates <1161 2532 4439> [and the.]
will not overpower <2729 3756> [shall not.]
I will give <1325> [give.]
keys <2807> [the keys.]
and <2532 3739> [and whatsoever.]
<1291> [charged.]
<2424> [Jesus.]
began <756> [began.]
chief priests <749> [chief priests.]
and ............. and ...... and be killed and ...... be raised <2532 615 1453> [and be.]
began <756> [began.]
forbid ....... to you <2436 4671 2071> [Be it far from thee. Gr. Pity thyself.]
Get <5217> [Get.]
Satan <4567> [Satan.]
because <1488 3754> [thou art.]
you are ... setting ... mind <5426> [thou savourest.]
<1536> [If.]
take up .... and <2532 142> [and take.]
what ..... a person ............. what ... a person <5101 444> [what is.]
he gains <2770> [gain.]
Or <2228> [or.]
Son <5207> [the Son.]
with <3326> [with.]
and then <2532 5119> [and then.]
<1526> [There.]
will ... experience <1089> [taste.]
they see <1492> [see.]
This appears to refer to the mediatorial kingdom which our Lord was about to set up, by the destruction of the Jewish nation and polity, and the diffusion of the gospel throughout the world.
later <3326> [after.]
Luke, taking in both the day of the preceding discourse and that of the transfiguration, as well as the six intermediate ones, says it was eight days after.
Peter <4074> [Peter.]
a high <5308> [an high.]
he was transfigured <3339> [transfigured.]
them His face ....... his <846 4383> [his face.]
clothes <2440> [raiment.]
<2400> [behold.]
Moses <3475> [Moses.]
Elijah <2243> [Elias.]
said <611> [answered.]
<2076> [it is.]
<2400> [behold.]
a voice <5456> [a voice.]
This <3778> [This.]
in whom <1722 3739> [in whom.]
Listen <191> [hear.]
<680> [touched.]
Get up <1453> [Arise.]
they saw <1492> [they saw.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
until <2193> [until.]
Why <5101> [Why.]
and will restore <1161 2532 600> [and restore.]
Yet they did ... recognize <2532 1921> [and they.]
I ............... but <1161 235> [but.]
In the same way <3779> [Likewise.]
disciples <3101> [the disciples.]
to him ... before him <846> [when.]
knelt <1120> [kneeling.]
have mercy <1653> [have.]
because ........ for <3754 1063> [for.]
he has seizures <4583> [he is.]
[Seleniazomai <\\See definition 4583\\>,] from [selene <\\See definition 4582\\>,] the moon, one who was affected with his disorder at the change and full of the moon. This is the case in some kinds of madness and epilepsy. This youth was no doubt epileptic; but it was evidently either produced or taken advantage of by a demon or evil spirit.
because ........ for ... often <3754 1063 4178> [for ofttimes.]
but they were ... able <2532 1410> [and they.]
unbelieving <5599 571> [O faithless.]
How much ........ How much longer <2193 2071> [how long shall I be.]
rebuked <2008> [rebuked.]
of ........ from <575> [from.]
because of <1223> [Because.]
if <1437> [If.]
faith <4102> [faith.]
That is, as Bp. Pearce well remarks, a thriving and increasing faith, like a grain of mustard seed, which, from being the least of seeds, becomes the greatest of all herbs.
<2848> [a grain.]
nothing <3762> [nothing.]
<5124> [this.]
<1508> [but.]
Son <5207> [The Son.]
to be betrayed <3860> [betrayed.]
They will kill <615> [they shall.]
third <5154> [the third.]
and .......... And .... greatly <2532 4970> [And they were.]
they <846> [when.]
temple tax ........... double drachma tax <1323> [tribute.]
"Gr. didrachma, in value fifteen pence."
This tribute seems to have been the half shekel which every male among the Jews paid yearly for the support of the temple, and which was continued by them, wherever dispersed, till after the time of Vespasian.
Yes <3483> [Yes.]
to him ........ From .......... from their .... from <575 846> [of their.]
<3363> [lest.]
Take ........ and .............. Take .......... and <2532 2983 142> [and take.]
a four drachma coin <4715> [a piece of money.]
"Or, a stater, half an ounce of silver, value 2s. 6d., after 5s. the ounce."
Take that <1565 2983> [that take.]
that <1565> [the same.]
Who <5101> [Who.]
At .............. in <1722> [in.]
<281> [Verily.]
<3362> [Except.]
and ............ and become <2532 1096> [and become.]
you will ... enter <1525> [enter.]
humbles <5013> [humble.]
greatest <3187> [greatest.]
welcomes ......... welcomes <1209> [receive.]
welcomes ......... welcomes <1209> [receiveth.]
anyone causes <4624> [offend.]
little <3398> [little.]
millstone <2443 3458> [that a.]
This mode of punishment appears to have obtained in Syria as well as in Greece, especially in cases of parricide. That it was customary in Greece we learn from Suidas, in [hyperbolon lithon,] and the scholiast on the Equites of Aristophanes: [Hotan <\\See definition 3752\\> gar <\\See definition 1063\\> katara <\\See definition 2671\\> tinos <\\See definition 5099\\> baros <\\See definition 922\\> apo <\\See definition 575\\> ton trachelos <\\See definition 5137\\> kremannumi <\\See definition 2910\\>.] "When a person was drowned, they hung a weight about his neck."
world <2889> [unto.]
<1063> [for.]
but <4133> [but.]
If <1487> [if.]
and throw ........................ be thrown <2532 906> [and cast.]
crippled <2948> [maimed.]
eternal <166> [everlasting.]
to enter <1525> [to enter.]
than <2228> [rather.]
See <3708> [heed.]
their <846> [their.]
see <991> [behold.]
What <5101> [How.]
If <1437> [if.]
on <1909> [into.]
he will rejoice <5463> [he rejoiceth.]
<2076> [it is.]
<5216> [your.]
<1520> [one.]
If .................. If <1437> [if.]
go <5217> [go.]
you have regained <2770> [thou hast.]
so ... at <2443 1909> [that in.]
<2036> [tell.]
<2077> [let.]
a Gentile <1482> [an heathen.]
a tax collector <5057> [a publican.]
if ......... whatever <3754 1437 3739> [That if.]
<1096> [it shall.]
two <1417> [two.]
there <1563> [there.]
As many as <2193> [till.]
but <235> [but.]
kingdom <932> [is.]
who <3739> [which.]
a man <3781> [owed.]
ten thousand <3463> [ten thousand.]
[Murias <\\See definition 3461\\> talanton <\\See definition 5007\\>,] a myriad of talents, the highest number known in Greek arithmetical notation. According to Prideaux, the Roman talent was equal to 216Å“; ten thousand of which would amount to 2,160,000Å“. If the Jewish talent of silver be designed, which is estimated by the same learned writer at 450Å“., this sum amounts to 4,500,000Å“.; but if the gold talent is meant, which is equal to 7200Å“., then the amount is 72,000,000Å“. This immense sum represents our boundless obligations to God, and our utter incapacity, as sinners infinitely indebted to Divine justice, of paying one mite out of the talent.
talents <5007> [talents.]
"A talent is 750 ounces of silver, which after five shillings the ounce is 187Å“. 10s."
ordered <2753> [commanded.]
[worshipped him. or, besought him. have.]
had compassion <4697> [moved.]
one hundred <1540> [an hundred.]
Rather, "a hundred denarii," as our penny does not convey one seventh of the meaning. This would amount to about 3Å“. 2s. 6d. English; which was not one six hundred thousandth part of the 10,000 talents, even calculating them as Roman talents.
silver coins <1220> [pence.]
"The Roman penny is the eighth part of an ounce, which after five shillings the ounce is sevenpence halfpenny."
throat and started to choke <4155> [and took.]
Be patient <3114> [Have.]
Instead <235> [but.]
very <4970> [they.]
and went <2532 2064> [and came.]
Evil <4190> [O thou.]
<2532> [even.]
turned ... over <3860> [and delivered.]
will do <4160> [do.]
from <575> [from.]
when <3753> [that when.]
he left <3332> [he departed.]
This was our Lord's final departure from Galilee, previous to his crucifixion; but he appears to have taken in a large compass in his journey, and passed through the districts east of Jordan. Some learned men, however, are of opinion, that instead of "beyond Jordan," we should render, "by the side of Jordan," as [peran <\\See definition 4008\\>,] especially with a genitive, sometimes signifies.
test <3985> [tempting.]
Is <1487> [Is it.]
Have you ... read <314> [Have.]
that <3754> [that.]
said <2036> [said.]
<4347> [cleave.]
[Proskollao <\\See definition 4347\\>,] "shall be cemented to his wife," as the Hebrew davak implies; a beautiful metaphor, forcibly intimating that nothing but death can separate them.
and ............ and ... and ........ and ... two <2532 1417> [and they.]
God <2316> [God.]
has joined together <4801> [hath.]
[Zeugos <\\See definition 2201\\>,] "hath yoked together," as oxen in the plough, where each must pull equally in order to bring it on. Among the ancients, they put a yoke upon the necks of a new married couple, or chains on their arms, to shew that they were to be one, closely united, and pulling equally together in all the concerns of life.
Why <5101> [Why.]
and to divorce <2532 630> [and to.]
because of <4314> [because.]
permitted <2010> [suffered.]
but <1161> [but.]
<3739> [Whosoever.]
<1508> [except.]
commits adultery <3429> [doth.]
who ......... who were made eunuchs ...... who became eunuchs <3748 2134> [which were made.]
who ......... who were made eunuchs ...... who became eunuchs <3748 2134> [which have.]
were brought <4374> [brought.]
and ... But ... disciples <2532 1161 3101> [and the.]
Let <863> [Suffer.]
for <1063> [for.]
someone <1520> [one.]
what <5101> [what.]
eternal <166> [eternal.]
<3762> [there.]
Which ones <4169> [Which.]
Do ... murder <5407> [Thou shalt do.]
honor <5091> [Honour.]
love <25> [Thou.]
all <3956> [All.]
What <5101> [what.]
If <1487> [If.]
go <5217> [go.]
come <1204> [come.]
he went away <565> [he went.]
for <1063> [for.]
<3754> [That.]
to enter <1525> [enter.]
<2076> [It.]
So in the Koran, "The impious, who in his arrogance shall accuse our doctrine of falsity, shall find the gates of heaven shut; nor shall he enter till a camel shall pass through the eye of a needle." It was a common mode of expression among the Jews to declare any thing that was rare or difficult.
who <5101> [Who.]
but <1161> [but.]
we have left <2249 863 2071> [we have forsaken.]
What <5101> [what.]
In ... age ............. on ............. on <1722 3824 1909> [in the regeneration.]
when <3752> [when.]
you ....... also <5210 2532> [ye also.]
twelve ..... twelve <1427> [the twelve.]
<3956> [every.]
or brothers or ... or ... or ... or ... or <2228 80> [or brethren.]
<3450> [my.]
<1542> [an.]
will inherit <2816> [inherit.]
kingdom <932> [the kingdom.]
This parable was intended to illustrate the equity of God's dealings, even when "the first are placed last, and the last first."
a landowner <444> [a man.]
early <260> [early.]
workers <2040> [labourers.]
after agreeing <4856> [he had.]
standard wage <1220> [a penny.]
"The Roman penny is the eighth part of an ounce, which after five shillings the ounce is sevenpence halfpenny."
sent <649> [he sent.]
nine ... in the morning <5154> [the third.]
standing around <2476> [standing.]
go <5217> [Go.]
and <2532 3739 1161> [and whatsoever.]
noon <1623> [sixth.]
he did <4160> [and did.]
five o'clock ... afternoon <1734> [the eleventh.]
Why <5101> [Why.]
Because <3754> [Because.]
You go <5217> [Go.]
and <2532> [and.]
evening <3798> [when.]
his ............... until <846 2193> [unto.]
received <2983> [they received.]
they began to complain <1111> [they murmured.]
hour ... you have made <3754 3391 5610 4160> [wrought but one hour. or, continued one hour only. equal.]
bore <941> [borne.]
Friend <2083> [Friend.]
I am ... treating ... unfairly <91> [I do.]
yours <4674> [thine.]
I want <2309> [I will.]
not <3756> [it.]
Or ... you <2228 2076 4675> [Is thine.]
because <3754> [because.]
last ........ last <2078> [the last.]
<1063> [for.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
he took <3880> [took.]
and ... Son ............ and <2532 5207> [and the.]
They will condemn <2632> [they.]
will turn ... over <3860> [shall deliver.]
to be mocked <1519 1702> [to mock.]
third <5154> [the third.]
came <4334> [came.]
mother <3384> [the mother.]
[Salome. worshipping.]
What <5101> [What.]
He said <2036> [Grant.]
one ....... one <1520> [the one.]
your ... in your <4675 1722> [in thy.]
You don't know <1492 3756> [Ye know not.]
cup <4221> [the cup.]
<907 908> [baptized with the.]
Are you able ............... We are able <1410> [We.]
You will drink <4095> [Ye.]
to sit <2523> [to sit.]
Rather, "to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, except to them for whom it is prepared of my Father."
whom <3739> [for.]
they were angry <23> [they.]
called <4341> [called.]
rulers <758> [the princes.]
lord it over <2634> [exercise dominion.]
<2071> [it.]
servant <1249> [minister.]
<3739> [whosoever.]
did ... come <2064> [came.]
and to give <2532 1325> [and to.]
for <473> [for.]
Two <1417> [two.]
Have mercy <1653> [Have.]
scolded <2008> [rebuked.]
But they shouted <1161 2896> [but they cried.]
What <5101> [What.]
Lord <2962> [Lord.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
touched <680> [touched.]
and followed <2532 190> [and they.]
when <3753> [when.]
Bethphage <967> [Bethphage.]
Bethphage was a village on the declivity of Mount Olivet, and somewhat nearer to Jerusalem than Bethany.
Mount <3735> [the mount.]
Lord <2962> [The Lord.]
<2112> [straightway.]
This <5124> [this.]
spoken <3004> [saying.]
people <2364> [the daughter.]
your king <4675 935> [thy King.]
unassuming <4239> [meek.]
seated <1910> [sitting.]
So ..... and did <1161 2532 4160> [and did.]
They brought <71> [brought.]
placed <2007> [put.]
<1161> [others.]
Hosanna ................... Hosanna <5614> [Hosanna.]
Blessed <2127> [Blessed.]
in ........ in ... highest <1722 5310> [in the highest.]
whole <3956> [all.]
Who <5101> [Who.]
This <3778> [This.]
from Nazareth <575 3478> [of Nazareth.]
entered <1525> [went.]
Then ....... and drove out ....... and ....... and .......... and <2532 1544> [and cast.]
money changers <2855> [money-changers.]
doves <4058> [doves.]
It is written <1125> [It is.]
My <3450> [My.]
you <5210> [ye.]
chief priests <749> [when.]
Hosanna <5614> [Hosanna.]
they became indignant <23> [they were.]
Do you hear <191> [Hearest.]
never <3763> [have.]
of <1537> [Out.]
leaving <2641> [he left.]
Bethany <963> [Bethany.]
Bethany was a village to the east of the mount of Olives, on the road to Jericho; fifteen stadia, (Joh. 11:18) or nearly two miles, as Jerome states, from Jerusalem. This village is now small and poor, and the cultivation of the soil around it is much neglected; but it is a pleasant, romantic spot, shaded by the mount of Olives, and abounding in vines and long grass. It consists of from thirty to forty dwellings inhabited by about 600 Mohammedans, for whose use there is a neat little mosque standing on an eminence. Here they shew the ruins of a sort of castle as the house of Lazarus, and a grotto as his tomb; and the house of Simon the leper, of Mary Magdalene and of Martha, and the identical tree which our Lord cursed, are among the monkish curiosities of the place.
<4405> [in.]
he was hungry <3983> [he hungered.]
fig tree .............................. fig tree <4808> [fig-tree. Gr. one fig-tree. and found]
will there be <1096> [Let.]
fig tree .............................. fig tree <4808> [the fig-tree.]
How <4459> [How.]
if you have <1437 2192> [If ye have.]
Be lifted up <142> [Be thou removed.]
Jesus ................ to him <846> [when.]
chief priests <749> [the chief priests.]
By what <1722 4169> [By what.]
I ... also ........... I ... also <2504> [I also.]
baptism <908> [baptism.]
<1302> [Why.]
we fear <5399> [we fear.]
for <1063> [for.]
We don't know ........ will ... tell <3756 1492 3004> [We cannot tell.]
What <5101> [what.]
A man <444> [A certain.]
sons ......... Son <5043> [Son.]
<3338> [he repented.]
did <4160> [did.]
<4413> [The first.]
truth <281> [Verily.]
tax collectors <5057> [the publicans.]
came <2064> [came.]
and you did ... believe ... But ..... and ... did believe ... you ............ believe <2532 4100 1161 5210> [and ye believed.]
tax collectors <5057> [the publicans.]
you did .... change ... minds <3338> [repented.]
Listen <191> [Hear.]
In this parable, in its primary sense, the householder denotes the Supreme Being; the family, the Jewish nation; the vineyard, Jerusalem; the fence, the Divine protection; the wine-press, the law and sacrificial rites; the tower, the temple; and the husbandmen, the priests and doctors of the law.
<2258> [There.]
to tenant farmers <1092> [husbandmen.]
went on a journey <589> [went.]
he sent <649> [he sent.]
to collect <2983> [that.]
Finally <5305> [last.]
They will respect <1788> [They.]
This <3778> [This.]
seized <2983> [caught.]
threw <1544> [cast.]
killed <615> [slew.]
what <5101> [what.]
They said <3004> [they say.]
Our Lord here causes them to pass that sentence of destruction upon themselves which was literally executed about forty years afterwards by the Roman armies.
utterly <2560> [He will.]
he will lease <2532 1554> [and will let out.]
Have you ... read <314> [Did.]
stone <3037> [The stone.]
from .... and <3844 2532 2076> [and it is.]
kingdom <932> [The kingdom.]
to a people <1484> [a nation.]
falls ................ falls <4098> [whosoever.]
<1161> [but.]
they realized <1097> [they.]
wanted <2212> [they sought.]
<1894> [because.]
kingdom <932> [kingdom.]
who <3748> [which.]
sent <649> [sent.]
to summon .... had been invited <2564> [that.]
He ............... but they would not <2532 2309 3756> [and they would not.]
other <243> [other.]
Look <2400> [Behold.]
and ....... and everything <2532 3956> [and all.]
were indifferent <272> [they.]
<3303> [one.]
rest <3062> [the remnant.]
was furious <3710> [he was.]
his ............ their <846> [his.]
wedding <1062> [The wedding.]
but <1161> [but.]
both <5037> [both.]
And ................ and ... and <2532 1062> [and the.]
when <1525> [when.]
was ... wearing <1746> [which.]
Friend <2083> [Friend.]
how <4459> [how.]
And ................ But he had nothing to say <2532 1161 5392> [And he was.]
Tie ... up <1210> [Bind.]
outer <1857> [outer.]
there <1563> [there.]
went out <4198> [went.]
<3704> [how.]
They sent <649> [they sent.]
The profound malice of the Pharisees appears here in their choice of companions, their affected praise, and the artful and difficult questions they proposed.
Herodians <2265> [the Herodians.]
Teacher <1320> [Master.]
we know <1492> [we know.]
truthful <227> [true.]
not ........ no <3756> [neither.]
what <5101> [What.]
right <1832> [is.]
to Caesar <2541> [Caesar.]
realized <1097> [perceived.]
Why <5101> [Why.]
a denarius <1220> [a penny.]
inscription <1923> [superscription. or, inscription.]
give <591> [Render.]
Caesar's ........ to Caesar ...... Caesar's <2541 3588> [are Caesar's.]
This conclusion is drawn from their own maxims and premises. They held that "wherever the money of any king is current, there the inhabitants acknowledge that king for their lord." Now, by admitting that this was C‘sar's coin, and by consenting to receive it as the current coin of their country, they in fact acknowledged their subjection to his government, and of course their obligation to pay the tribute demanded of them. This answer was full of consummate wisdom, and it completely defeated the insidious designs of his enemies. He avoided rendering himself odious to the Jewish people by opposing their notions of liberty, or appearing to pay court to the emperor, without exposing himself to the charge of sedition and disaffection to the Roman government.
and <2532> [and.]
they were stunned <2296> [they marvelled.]
<1722> [same.]
Sadducees <4523> [the Sadducees.]
<3588> [which.]
Teacher <1320> [Master.]
Moses <3475> [Moses.]
seventh <2033> [seventh. or, seven.]
don't <3361> [not.]
or <3366> [nor.]
in ... resurrection .............. in <1722 386> [in the.]
like <5613> [as.]
have you ... read <314> [have.]
am ............... He is <1510> [am.]
God ..... God ...... God ........ God <2316 2076> [God is.]
they were amazed <1605> [they.]
Pharisees <5330> [when.]
they assembled together <4863> [they.]
an expert in religious law <3544> [a lawyer.]
asked ... a question to test <3985> [tempting.]
Love <25> [Thou.]
neighbor <4139> [neighbour.]
What ........ Whose <5101> [What.]
David <1138> [The Son.]
by ... Spirit <1722 4151> [in the spirit.]
Lord ..... lord <2962> [The Lord.]
This passage is expressly referred to the Messiah by several of the Jews. Rabbi Joden says, "In the world to come, the Holy Blessed God shall cause the king Messiah to sit at his right hand, as it is written, The Lord said to my Lord," etc. So Rabbi Moses Hadarson; and Saadias Gaon says, "This is Messiah our righteousness, as it is written, The Lord said to my Lord," etc.
Lord .... my lord .... my <2962 3450> [my Lord.]
until <2193> [till.]
how can <4459> [how.]
No <3762> [no.]
no one <3761> [neither.]
<302> [whatsoever.]
for <1063> [for.]
all <3956> [all.]
they make .... wide <4115> [they make.]
tassels <2899> [the borders.]
Rabbi <4461> [Rabbi.]
to be called <2564> [be.]
one <1520> [one.]
all <3956> [all.]
call <2564> [call.]
for <1063> [for.]
woe <3759> [woe.]
You keep locking ......... For you <3754 1063 5210 2808> [for ye shut.]
Josephus says that this sect pretended to a more exact knowledge of the law, on which account the women were subject to them, as pretending to be dear to God.
<3117> [long.]
That these were long we learn from Bab. Berachoth, where we are told that the very religious prayed nine hours a day.
<1223> [therefore.]
<3754> [for.]
convert <4339> [proselyte.]
to make ......... you make <4160> [ye make.]
blind <5185> [ye blind.]
who .... swears by ... temple ........ swears by ...... temple <3739 3660 1722 3485> [Whosoever shall swear by the temple.]
<2076> [it is.]
bound <3784> [he is.]
fools <3474> [Ye fools.]
or <2228> [or.]
bound <3784> [guilty. or, debtor.]
[or bound.]
or <2228> [or.]
And .... by ..... by ... and ...... in <2532 1722> [and by.]
by .... by ... throne <1722 2362> [by the.]
<3754> [for.]
dill <432> [anise. Gr. [anethon <\\See definition 432\\>,] dill.]
Dill is a species of plant of the pentandria digynia class, growing native in Spain and Portugal. The root is fusiform and long; stems, erect-groved, jointed, branched, and about two feet in height; leaves, doubly pinnated, sweet and odorous; flowers, flat, terminal umbels; corolla, five ovate, concave, yellow petals, with apexes inflected; germen, like that of fennel; seeds, scarcely the length of a carraway seed, but broader and flatter, of a brown colour, aromatic, sweetish odour, and warmish, pungent taste.
[cummin. Gr. [kuminom <\\See definition 2951\\>]]
Cummin is a plant of the same class as dill: it rises eight or ten inches on a slender round procumbent, branching stem; leaves, a dark green, narrow, linear, and pointed; flowers, purple, in numerous four rayed umbels; corolla, five unequal petals, inflected, and notched at the apex; seeds, oblong, striated, of a brown colour, strong, heavy odour, and warm, bitterish taste.
more important <926> [the weightier.]
these things <5023> [these.]
<3754> [for.]
they are full <1073> [full.]
clean <2511> [cleanse.]
You are like <3945> [like.]
tombs <5028> [sepulchres.]
you ............. and <5210 2532> [ye also.]
but <1161> [but.]
You build <3618> [ye build.]
blood <129> [the blood.]
you testify <3140> [witnesses.]
that <3754> [that.]
measure <3358> [the measure.]
You snakes <3789> [serpents.]
How <4459> [how.]
I am sending <1473 649> [I send.]
prophets <4396> [prophets.]
and wise men and ............ and ... and ......... and <2532 4680> [and wise.]
experts in the law <1122> [scribes.]
you will kill ...... you will flog <615 3146> [ye.]
on .......... on <1909> [upon.]
righteous blood ....... blood ... righteous ..... blood <129 1342> [the blood of righteous.]
<2193> [unto.]
Jerusalem Jerusalem <2419> [Jerusalem.]
kill <615> [thou.]
How often <4212> [how.]
as <5158> [even.]
and ........... I have longed ................ but you would <2532 2309> [and ye.]
you will ... see <1492 3364> [Ye shall not.]
Blessed is <2127> [Blessed.]
walking away <4198> [departed.]
to show <1925> [shew.]
will be left <863> [There.]
Josephus says that "C‘sar gave orders that they should now demolish the whole city and temple, except the three towers Phaselus, Hippicus, and Mariamne, and a part of the western wall; but all the rest was laid so completely even with the ground, by those who dug it up from the foundation, that there was nothing left to make those who came thither believe that it had ever been inhabited."
As he was sitting ........... him <2521 846> [he sat.]
disciples <3101> [the disciples.]
<2036> [Tell.]
sign <4592> [the sign.]
end <4930> [the end.]
Watch out <991> [Take.]
in <1909> [in.]
You will hear <3195 191> [ye shall hear.]
Make sure <3708> [see.]
must <1163> [must.]
but <235> [but.]
nation will rise up ..... nation <1484 1453> [nation shall.]
famines <3042> [famines.]
they will hand ... over <3860> [shall they.]
many <4183> [shall many.]
they will betray <3860> [betray.]
because <1223> [because.]
love <26> [the love.]
this <5124> [this.]
will be preached <2784> [shall be.]
And ...................... and then <2532 5119> [and then.]
So <3767> [ye.]
by <1223> [by.]
reader <314> [whoso.]
on <1909> [which.]
roof <1430> [the house-top.]
or <3366> [neither.]
<1508> [except.]
of <1223> [for.]
will appear <1453> [there.]
and ...... and perform .... and ....... even <2532 1325> [and shall.]
to <5620> [insomuch.]
if <1487> [if.]
So <3767> [Wherefore.]
Our Lord not only foretells the appearance of these impostors, but also the manner and circumstance of their conduct. Accordingly, Josephus says that many impostors persuaded the people to follow them to the desert, promising them signs and wonders done by the providence of God. (See also Ac 21:38). One persuaded the people to go up into the temple, which being set on fire by the Romans, 6,000 perished in the flames.
in ... wilderness .......... in <2076 1722 2048> [he is in the desert.]
just <5618> [as.]
coming <3952> [the coming.]
<1161> [Immediately.]
sun <2246> [shall the.]
powers <1411> [the powers.]
sign <4592> [the sign.]
Then ............. and all ....... will mourn ................. and <2532 5119 2875 3956> [and then shall all.]
They will see <3700> [see.]
will send <649> [he.]
his angels ........... his <846 32> [his angels.]
with <3326> [with.]
a loud trumpet blast <3173 5456 4536> [a great sound of a trumpet. or, a trumpet and a great voice.]
they will gather <1996> [gather.]
from ..... from <1537 575> [from.]
when <3752> [when.]
know <1097> [know.]
<2076> [it. or, he.]
this <3778> [This.]
Heaven <3772> [Heaven.]
my <3450> [my.]
were eating <5176> [they.]
one ...... one <1520> [the one.]
two <1417> [Two.]
The [mulon <\\See definition 3459\\>] was a hand-mill composed of two stones; "the uppermost of which is turned round by a small handle of wood or iron that is placed in the rim. When this stone is large, or expedition required, a second person is called to assist; and as it is usual for women alone to be concerned in this employment, who seat themselves over against each other with the millstone between then, we may see not only the propriety of the expression, Ex 11:5," but the force of this.--Dr. Shaw.
will be ... women grinding grain <229> [grinding.]
stay alert <1127> [Watch.]
because <3754> [for.]
owner of the house <3617> [good-man.]
had known <1492> [had.]
<2076> [is.]
to give <1325> [to give.]
<3754> [That.]
if <1437> [if.]
should say <2036> [say.]
My <3450> [My.]
to beat <5180> [to smite.]
and ......... and to eat and <2532 1161 2068> [and to.]
will come <2240> [come.]
will cut him ...... him <846 1371> [cut him asunder. or, cut him off. and appoint.]
there <1563> [there.]
At that time <5119> [Then.]
kingdom <932> [the kingdom.]
ten <1176> [ten.]
who <3748> [which.]
went out <1831> [went.]
bridegroom <3566> [the bridegroom.]
foolish ones <3474> [foolish.]
of olive oil <1637> [oil.]
bridegroom <3566> [the.]
all <3956> [they.]
midnight <3319> [at.]
a shout <2906> [a cry.]
Look <2400> [Behold.]
Come out <1831> [go.]
Give <1325> [Give.]
because <3754> [for.]
are going out <4570> [gone out. or, going out.]
<3379> [lest.]
<1161> [but.]
bridegroom <3566> [the bridegroom.]
they ............. were ready ..... him <846 2092> [they.]
But ............ and .............. Then ... door <1161 2532 2374> [and the.]
saying <3004> [saying.]
I do ... know <1492> [I know.]
like <5618> [as.]
and entrusted <2532 3860> [and delivered.]
talents <5007> [talents.]
"A talent is 187Å“. 10s."
went off right away <4198> [went.]
a long <4183> [a long.]
settled <4868> [reckoneth.]
<2396> [behold.]
Well done <2095> [Well.]
I will put ... in charge <2525> [I will.]
Enter <1525> [enter.]
I have gained <2770> [I have.]
Well done <2095> [Well.]
had received <2983> [he which.]
Our Lord placed the example of negligence in him to whom the least was committed, probably to "intimate" says Doddridge, "that we are accountable for the smallest advantage with which we are entrusted; but it cannot imply that they who have received much will ordinarily pass their account best; for it is too plain, in fact, that most of those whose dignity, wealth, and genius give them the greatest opportunities of service, seem to forget that they have any Master in heaven to serve, or any future reckoning to expect; and many render themselves much more criminal than this wicked and slothful servant who hid his talents in the earth."
Sir <2962> [Lord.]
I knew <1097> [I knew.]
Evil ...... you knew <4190 1492> [Thou.]
should <1163> [oughtest.]
with <4862> [with.]
more <3956> [unto.]
will be taken <142> [shall be taken.]
throw <1544> [cast.]
outer <1857> [outer.]
Son <5207> [the Son.]
then <5119> [then.]
before <1715> [before.]
he will separate ......... separates <873> [he shall separate.]
like <5618> [as.]
sheep <4263> [the sheep.]
his <846> [his.]
king <935> [the King.]
Come you <1205> [Come.]
inherit <2816> [inherit.]
prepared <2090> [prepared.]
from <575> [from.]
I was hungry <3983> [I was an.]
I was thirsty <1372> [thirsty.]
a stranger <2252 3581> [I was a.]
naked <1131> [Naked.]
I was sick <770> [was sick.]
when <4219> [when.]
king <935> [the King.]
<1909> [Inasmuch.]
least <1646> [the least.]
you did ............... you did ... for me <4160 1698> [ye have done it unto me.]
on <1537> [them.]
Depart <4198> [Depart.]
you accursed <2672> [ye cursed.]
eternal <166> [everlasting.]
has been prepared <2090> [prepared.]
when <4219> [when.]
<1909> [Inasmuch.]
eternal ....... eternal <166> [everlasting.]
righteous <1342> [the righteous.]
When <3753> [when.]
You know <1492> [know.]
Passover <3957> [the feast.]
will be handed over <3860> [betrayed.]
met together <4863> [assembled.]
palace <833> [the palace.]
Caiaphas <2533> [Caiaphas.]
This was Joseph, surnamed Caiaphas, who succeeded Simon son of Camith, in the high-priesthood, about A.D. 25. About two years after our Lord's death, he was deposed by Vitellius governor of Syria; and unable to bear his disgrace, and perhaps the stings of conscience for the murder of Christ, he killed himself about A.D. 35.
They planned <4823> [consulted.]
by stealth <1388> [by.]
Not ........ won't <3361> [Not.]
<3363> [lest.]
in Bethany at <1722 963> [in Bethany.]
Simon <4613> [Simon.]
came <4334> [came.]
of expensive <927> [very.]
they became indignant <23> [they.]
<1519> [To.]
Why <5101> [Why.]
a good <2570> [a good.]
you will ... have ....... you will .... have <2192> [ye have.]
but <1161> [but.]
wherever <3699> [Wheresoever.]
also <2532> [there.]
one <1520> [one.]
Judas <2455> [Judas.]
What <5101> [What.]
thirty <5144> [thirty.]
Probably shekels or staters, as some read, which, reckoning the shekels at 3s., with Prideaux, would amount to about 4Å“ 10s., the price for the meanest slave! (See Ex 21:32)
began looking for <2212> [he.]
first <4413> [the first.]
Where <4226> [Where.]
Go <5217> [Go.]
Teacher <1320> [The Master.]
My time .......... my <3450 2540> [My time.]
disciples <3101> [the disciples.]
So .......... and they prepared <2532 2090> [and they.]
evening <3798> [when.]
he took ... place at the table <345> [he.]
truth <281> [Verily.]
has dipped <1686> [He that.]
Son ... Man will go ...... about him ...... man ..... Son ... Man ........ for him <3303 444 5217 4012 846 5207> [Son of man goeth.]
it is written <1125> [written.]
<1161> [but.]
Judas <2455> [Judas.]
You <4771> [Thou.]
they <846> [as.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
[blessed it.]
"Many Greek copies have gave thanks."
he broke <2806> [and brake.]
took ................. Take <2983> [Take.]
this <5124> [this.]
after taking <2983> [he took.]
Drink ...... you <4095> [Drink.]
my <3450> [my.]
is poured out <1632> [shed.]
I will ... drink ............ I drink <4095> [I will.]
until <2193> [until.]
with <3326> [with.]
After singing a hymn <5214> [when.]
After singing a hymn <5214> [hymn. or, psalm. they went.]
all <3956> [All.]
I will strike <3960> [I will.]
and ... sheep <2532 4263> [and the.]
I am raised I <3165 1453> [I am.]
will go ahead <4254> [I will.]
<1499> [Though.]
I <1473> [yet.]
<3754> [That.]
Even <2579> [Though.]
same thing <3668> [Likewise.]
a place <5564> [a place.]
Gethsemane <1068> [Gethsemane.]
Gethsemane was a garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives, beyond the brook Cedron; an even plat of ground, says Maundrell, not above fifty-seven yards square, where are shown some old olive trees, supposed to identify the spot to which our Lord was wont to resort.
while <2193> [while.]
Peter <4074> [Peter.]
anguished <3076> [sorrowful.]
My <3450> [My.]
Remain <3306> [tarry.]
he threw ... down <4098> [and fell.]
prayed <2532 4336> [and prayed.]
My Father <3450 3962> [O my Father.]
if <1487> [if.]
pass <3928> [let.]
not <3756> [not.]
Then ....... and found .... He <2532 2147> [and findeth.]
So <3779> [What.]
Stay awake <1127> [Watch.]
you will ... fall <1525> [enter.]
spirit <4151> [the spirit.]
a second time <1537 1208> [the second.]
<1063> [for.]
prayed <4336> [prayed.]
Are you still sleeping <2518> [Sleep on.]
That is, as it is well paraphrased by Euthymius, "Since you have thus far failed to watch, sleep on the rest of the time, and take your rest, if you can."
hour <5610> [the hour.]
<2400> [lo.]
one <3739> [Whomsoever.]
Arrest <2902> [hold.]
Greetings <5463> [Hail.]
kissed him <2705 846> [kissed him.]
[Kataphileo <\\See definition 2705\\>,] he kissed him affectionately, eagerly, or repeatedly, from [kata <\\See definition 2596\\>,] intensive, and [phileo <\\See definition 5368\\>,] to kiss, still pretending the most affectionate attachment to our Lord.
Friend <2083> [Friend.]
Rather, "Companion, [hetairos <\\See definition 2083\\>,] against whom ([eph ho] the reading of all the best MSS.) art thou come?"
Put .... back <654> [Put.]
all <3956> [they.]
Or ............ and ... he would send <2228 2532 3936> [and he.]
twelve <1427> [twelve.]
legions <3003> [legions.]
(A legion, [legeon <\\See definition 3003\\>,] for the Latin legio, from lego, to collect or choose was a particular division or battalion of the Roman army, which at different times contained different numbers. In the time of our Saviour it probably consisted of 6,200 foot and 300 horse, twelve of which would amount to 78,000 men.)
Have you come out <1831> [Are.]
I sat <2516> [I sat.]
so <2443> [that.]
Then <5119> [Then.]
After going <2532 1525> [and went.]
were trying to find <2212> [sought.]
they did not find <2147 3756> [found none.]
<5305> [At.]
This man <3778> [This.]
I am able <1410> [I am.]
The words of our Lord were widely different from this statement of them; so that the testimony of these witnesses was false, though it had the semblance of truth.
Have you ... answer <611> [Answerest.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
I charge ... under oath <1844> [I adjure.]
<2443> [that.]
Christ <5547> [the Christ.]
You <4771> [Thou.]
now on <737> [Hereafter.]
right hand <1188> [the right.]
high priest <749> [the high priest.]
He has blasphemed <987> [He.]
<2076> [He.]
they spat <1716> [did.]
his ....... their fists <2852 846> [buffeted him.]
[Kolaphizo <\\See definition 2852\\>,] "smote him with their fists," as Theophylact interprets.
and ....... And ... slapped <2532 1161 4474> [and others.]
slapped <4474> [smote him.]
[Rhapizo <\\See definition 4474\\>,] "smote him on the cheek with the open hand," as Suidas renders. They offered him every indignity, in all its various and vexatious forms.
slapped <4474> [the palms of their hands. or, rods.]
Prophesy <4395> [Prophesy.]
you Christ <5547> [thou.]
Peter <4074> [Peter.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
him <846> [when.]
This man <3778> [This.]
with <3326> [with.]
I do not know <1492 3756> [I do not.]
really <230> [Surely.]
even <1063> [for.]
he began <756> [began.]
<3754> [saying.]
and <2532> [And.]
remembered <3415> [remembered.]
Then .................. And he went outside <2532 1831 1854> [And he.]
early in the morning <4405> [the morning.]
all <3956> [all.]
tied ... up <1210> [bound.]
handed ... over <3860> [delivered.]
to Pilate <4091 4194> [Pontius Pilate.]
Pontius Pilate governed Judea ten years under the emperor Tiberius, from his 13th to his 23rd year A.D. 26 to 36; but, having exercised great cruelties against the Samaritans, they complained to Vitellius, governor of Syria, who sent Marcellus, one of his friends, to superintend Judea, and ordered Pilate to Rome, to give an account of his conduct to Tiberius. The emperor was dead before he arrived; but it is an ancient tradition, that he was banished to Vienne in Dauphiny, where he was reduced to such extremity that he killed himself with his own sword two years after.
Judas <2455> [Judas.]
regretted <3338> [repented.]
I have sinned <264> [I have sinned.]
<121> [the innocent.]
What <5101> [What.]
<3700> [see.]
he went out <402> [and departed.]
It is not lawful <1832 3756 2076> [It is not.]
to put <906> [to put.]
since <1893> [because.]
The Jews considered it was strictly forbidden by the Divine law to bring any filthy or iniquitous gain into the temple. For this reason they now refused to allow this money to be placed in the chest in the temple, amongst the former contributions for its repairs. In this, they were right enough, but by the very act of refusing this money, they proved themselves to be gross perverters of the spirit of God's requirements: they saw not that it was much less lawful for them, who had hired Judas to this sordid action, to be employed in the service of the temple. Those that "bear the vessels of the Lord," ought to be holy. Thus our Lord's words, "Ye blind guides! ye strain at a gnat and swallow a camel."
that <1565> [that.]
to <2193> [unto.]
Jeremiah <2408> [Jeremy.]
The words here quoted are not found in Jeremiah, but in Zechariah; and a variety of conjectures have been formed, in order to reconcile this discrepancy. The most probable opinion seems to be, that the name of the prophet was originally omitted by the Evangelist, and that the name of Jeremiah was added by some subsequent copyist. It is omitted in two MSS. of the twelfth century, in the Syriac, later Persic, two of the Itala, and in some other Latin copies; and what renders it highly probable that the original reading was [dia <\\See definition 1223\\> tou <\\See definition 5120\\> prophetes,] by the prophet, is, that Matthew frequently omits the name of the prophet in his quotations. See ch. 1:22; 2:5, 15; 13:35; 21:4. This omission is approved of by Bengel, Dr. A. Clarke, and Horne.
They took <2532 2983> [And they.]
thirty <5144> [thirty.]
price had been set by ... people of Israel <5207 2474 5091 575> [of the children of Israel did value. or, bought of the children of Israel.]
Jesus stood ................. Jesus <2424 2476> [Jesus stood.]
you ......... You say <4771 3004> [Thou sayest.]
you hear <191> [Hearest.]
was ... amazed <2296> [marvelled.]
a notorious <1978> [a.]
Whom <5101> [Whom.]
or <2228> [or.]
he knew <1492> [he.]
envy <5355> [envy.]
Or, malice [phthonos <\\See definition 5355\\>,] probably from [phthino,] to decay, wither, pine away, according to that of Solomon.
he ........ his ....... him ..................... him <846> [his.]
innocent man <1565 1342> [that just.]
persuaded <3982> [persuaded.]
ask for <154> [should.]
what <5101> [What.]
<1063> [Why.]
But <1161> [But.]
washed <633> [and washed.]
<1342> [just.]
his <846> [His.]
said ........ and <2036 2532> [and.]
he released <630> [released.]
flogged <5417> [scourged.]
This of itself was a severe punishment, the flesh being generally cut by the whips used for this purpose.
governor's residence <4232> [common hall. or, governor's house.]
[Gr. band.]
stripped <1562> [stripped.]
a scarlet robe <2847 5511> [a scarlet robe.]
Mark calls it a purple robe; but by [porphura <\\See definition 4209\\>] is denoted whatever is of a dazzling red; and the words [kokkinos <\\See definition 2847\\>,] scarlet, and [porphura <\\See definition 4209\\>,] purple, are not infrequently interchanged.
after braiding <4120> [platted.]
Hail <5463> [Hail.]
and ......... Then they led ... away <2532 520> [and led.]
As ... were going out <1831> [as.]
they found <2147> [they found.]
from Cyrene <2956> [Cyrene.]
Golgotha <1115> [Golgotha.]
offered <1325> [gave.]
<3690> [vinegar.]
Mark says wine mingled with myrrh; but as the sour wine used by the Roman soldiers and common people was termed [oinos <\\See definition 3631\\>] wine, and [oxos <\\See definition 3690\\>] vinegar, [vin aigre, French,] is sour wine; and as [chole <\\See definition 5521\\>] gall, is applied to bitters of any kind, it is not difficult to reconcile the two accounts.
When ... had crucified <4717> [they crucified.]
they divided <1266> [parted.]
his ...... charge ... him <846 156> [his accusation.]
defamed <987> [reviled.]
saying <3004> [saying.]
can destroy <2647> [that destroyest.]
If <1487> [If.]
come down <2597> [come.]
He saved ...... save <4982> [saved.]
king <935> [the King.]
He trusts <3982> [trusted.]
I am <1510> [I am.]
from <575> [from.]
darkness <4655> [darkness.]
That this general darkness was wholly preternatural is evident from this, that it happened at the passover, which was celebrated only at the full moon, a time in which it was impossible for the sun to be eclipsed, natural eclipses happening only at the time of the new moon. (See Introduction to the Comprehensive Bible, p. 59.)
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
<2241> [Eli.]
This man <3778> [This.]
and ..... filled <2532 5037 4130> [and filled.]
Let's see <1492> [let us.]
cried out <2896> [when.]
gave up <863> [yielded.]
curtain <2665> [the veil.]
earth <1093> [the earth.]
of many <4183> [many.]
had died <2837> [slept.]
holy <40> [holy.]
centurion <1543> [the centurion.]
saw <1492> [saw.]
they were ... terrified <5399> [feared.]
Truly <230> [Truly.]
Many <4183> [many.]
given ... support <1247> [ministering.]
Mary Magdalene Mary <3137 3094> [Mary Magdalene.]
Mary ... Mary ... mother ........ mother <3137 3384> [Mary the.]
James <2385> [James.]
mother ........ mother <3384> [the mother.]
came <2064> [there.]
it in his ......... in <1722 846> [in his.]
a great <3173> [a great.]
Mary Magdalene ..... Mary <3137 3094> [Mary Magdalene.]
day of preparation <3904> [the day.]
chief priests <749> [the chief priests.]
that ... that deceiver <3754 1565 4108> [that deceiver.]
After <3326> [After.]
steal <2813> [and steal.]
and ............. and <2532> [so.]
make ... as secure as <805> [make.]
made .... secure <805> [and made.]
Every thing was here done which human policy and prudence could, to prevent a resurrection, which these very precautions had the most direct tendency to authenticate and establish.
by sealing <4972> [sealing.]
Now <1161> [the end.]
The Hebrew word {Schabbath,} from which our English word is derived, signifies rest, and is applied to all solemn festivals, equally with that one day of every week devoted to the worship of God; Eze 20:21, "they polluted my sabbaths." Three evangelists say, the transaction recorded in this verse, occurred upon the first day of the week, early in the morning, about sunrising, and John says, while it was yet dark. [Opse <\\See definition 3796\\> sabbaton <\\See definition 4521\\>,] does not signify "in the evening of sabbath," but "sabbaths." Hence, the great feast having been concluded, the term "end of the sabbaths" denotes the time very clearly. Again, it may be observed that the Jews, speaking of their passover, sometimes speak according to their civil computation, wherein they measured their days from sun-rising to sun-rising. Sometimes according to their sacred computation, which was from sun-set to sun-set. This reconciles Nu 28:18, which seems to make the fourteenth day of the first month, the first day of unleavened bread.
Mary Magdalene ..... Mary <3137 3094> [Mary Magdalene.]
there was <1096> [there.]
there was <1096> [was. or, had been. for.]
appearance <2397> [countenance.]
His ....... his clothes <1161 846 1742> [his raiment.]
<5083> [the.]
were shaken <4579> [shake.]
Do ... be afraid <5399> [Fear.]
you are looking for <2212> [ye seek.]
just as <2531> [as.]
Come <1205> [Come.]
go <4198> [go.]
is going ahead <4254> [he goeth.]
Listen <2400> [lo.]
with <3326> [with.]
<5613> [as.]
Greetings <5463> [All hail.]
held on <2902> [and held.]
worshiped <4352> [worshipped.]
Do ... be afraid <5399> [Be.]
Go ....... go <565 5217> [go.]
my <3450> [my.]
some <5100> [some.]
stole <2813> [stole.]
we <2249> [we.]
they took <2983> [they took.]
to <3360> [until.]
eleven <1733> [the eleven.]
went <4198> [went.]
saw <1492> [when.]
they worshiped <4352> [worshipped.]
but <1161> [but.]
All <3956> [All.]
Therefore go <3767 4198> [ye therefore.]
make disciples of all nations <3956 1484 3100> [teach all nations. or, make disciples, or Christians, of all nations. baptizing.]
name <3686> [the name.]
them <846> [them.]
to <2193> [unto.]
<281> [Amen.]
CONCLUDING REMARKS ON MATTHEW'S GOSPEL. Matthew being one of the twelve apostles, and early called to the apostleship, and from the time of his call a constant attendant on our Saviour, was perfectly well qualified to write fully the history of his life. He relates what he saw and heard. "He is eminently distinguished for the distinctness and particularity with which he has related many of our Lord's discourses and moral instructions. Of these his sermon on the mount, his charge to the apostles, his illustrations of the nature of his kingdom, and his prophecy on mount Olivet, are examples. He has also wonderfully united simplicity and energy in relating the replies of his Master to the cavils of his adversaries." "There is not," as Dr. A. Clarke justly remarks, "one truth or doctrine, in the whole oracles of God, which is not taught in this Evangelist. The outlines of the whole spiritual system are here correctly laid down: even Paul himself has added nothing: he has amplified and illustrated the truths contained in this Gospel;--under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, neither he, nor any of the other apostles, have brought to light one truth, the prototype of which has not been found in the words and acts of our blessed Lord as related by Matthew."